Hello kids. Big changes have taken place and I feel like writing it down for y'all.
I have uprooted my whole life and moved to Philly. It's insane and I'm still not sure I made the right decision but it needed to happen. I know it's mostly in my head but I really was going nowhere in Orlando. I became too complacent with just going...
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I have uprooted my whole life and moved to Philly. It's insane and I'm still not sure I made the right decision but it needed to happen. I know it's mostly in my head but I really was going nowhere in Orlando. I became too complacent with just going...
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This is my first official post since turning 25. I feel so damn old and it doesn't help with people saying " Oh your a quarter of a century now!" I know that 25 isn't really that old but I feel that there is so much I haven't accomplished yet & so much of this world I have yet to explore. Things need to start...
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Happy belated birthday.

Thank you!
Lets start things off with a video. This song moves me.
So things have been good as of late. I work at Quiksilver during the day now as my second job. I know it's just a retail job but I absolutely love it. I've never worked at a job that I really enjoy. Aside from liking the company and their philosophy, I'm actually friends...
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Lets start things off with a video. This song moves me.
So things have been good as of late. I work at Quiksilver during the day now as my second job. I know it's just a retail job but I absolutely love it. I've never worked at a job that I really enjoy. Aside from liking the company and their philosophy, I'm actually friends...
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That looks like a fun vacation 

Oh it was. Can't wait to do it again
I am now addicted to reading the Scott Pilgrim books. I vaguely heard about them before I saw the trailer for the movie but now I'm hooked. The books have an awesome sense of humor and random descriptions of people. So far I'm on book 4 of 6. If things go as planned, I should have the series finished by Monday.
Now I'm so stoked...
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Now I'm so stoked...
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Wow, I can't believe I haven't had a blog since December.
I'm sorry I hurt you. It's ok baby birds, I'll feed you now.
Not too much has changed aside from I am going to the gym more and trying to eat healthier, slightly. I love me some cheeseburgers! It's nice that I have been able to stick with the gym because I tend to...
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I'm sorry I hurt you. It's ok baby birds, I'll feed you now.
Not too much has changed aside from I am going to the gym more and trying to eat healthier, slightly. I love me some cheeseburgers! It's nice that I have been able to stick with the gym because I tend to...
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It's about that time again.
New blog......
This has been a very random holiday season. There wasn't much family involved this year but a lot of friends which is better in my opinion. The economy fucked up my awesome gift giving I planned on but all is good. Holidays are more about love and being with people you care about anyways.
I went all the...
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New blog......
This has been a very random holiday season. There wasn't much family involved this year but a lot of friends which is better in my opinion. The economy fucked up my awesome gift giving I planned on but all is good. Holidays are more about love and being with people you care about anyways.
I went all the...
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ur cute
happy new year!

happy new year!
I am heading out to see Thrice and Brand New in a little bit. I'm so excited I could pee my pants, except for I don't actually have to pee so I guess that wont be an issue. Thrice's new album "beggars" is so damn amazing. Go out and buy it now or get it off itunes if you don't wanna get up off your...
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Well it has been a little while since my birthday but here are a couple of pictures from it. It was a blast. I did go karting on a race course with my best friend and had some drinks after work. Yep, sadly I did have to work on my birthday but it's all good. I also got two tickets to see Stone Temple Pilots...
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go-karts are fun....STP are great, hope you find someone to tag along! 

thank u very much
sorry , happy birthday
sorry , happy birthday

I would give one of my littler toes to be able to sing as well as Jonny Craig. His voice is so amazing to me on so many levels.
My birthday is friday and I'm excited to see what my friends have planned for me, but not looking forward to the hangover saturday. Gotta try and limit my consumption which will be hard when a...
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My birthday is friday and I'm excited to see what my friends have planned for me, but not looking forward to the hangover saturday. Gotta try and limit my consumption which will be hard when a...
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thanks for the request, darling. 

They come in "blind boxes". You won't know what your gonna get 

Yours truly is trying to pick up a second, possibly third, job so I can work and make the money. I have been lacking in that department lately and my wishlist is starting to pile up. I may be getting a job at a skate shop during the day and/or POSSIBLY a job as assistant at a music studio for movies, but that one is...
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