I hope you are all doing well. I just got back from my first day at my field placement, and they threw me into court already. It was fun and kind of depressing at the same time. We determined that a 14-year-old needs to be placed in a detention center after ten counts of assault, twice with a deadly weapon, armed burglary, and lighting some kittens on fire. The tough part is that, while this child was still in his mother's womb, his dad kicked her in the stomach. This led to a number of health problems that included kidney failure when he was a newborn. Now, he needs kidney dialysis three times each week. I spent the afternoon calling detention centers around the country trying to find one that could accommodate the health concern. There's some crazy stuff out there.
Sorry for the sad story. I'll stop. I hope the week finishes up well for everyone. I'll talk to you soon.
today was hard. I'm tired and going to sleep.