in the third grade, our class had an assignment to make a map of a pretend city. I put mine up on my wall and it's just never come down.
I tend to believe that assignments like these are everybit as much to tell the teachers about the students as they are to teach the students. we had to fill the entire page, and I remember clearly telling my teacher that the reason I didn't color in the roads was because those roads were concrete as opposed to pavement and therefore they were white. (in reality I just didn't feel like coloring in the roads black)
a full quarter of the map is dedicated to farm land, with giant crops and everything. chickenzilla could totally stomp that river! (but I did make sure to add the treehouse that I LOVED to play in)
my trees are also giant, and the playground, strategically located near the daycare center, is f'ing huge! I have bikers as large as cars (maybe I just needed to alter the size so I could draw a proper bike?) and my signs, poor spelling and all, have labels so that the signs themselves weren't too huge ha ha
my parking lots crack me up. that brown building is hoses & apartmets
it's just not camp without the swingset! please note that my cars, which I colored in with a color changing crayon because I knew I would create a color pattern and there is no pattern to the color of cars, boast turn indicators
oh good. there's the church
who needs to get to their houses? roads and driveways are a luxury. the extra large directional driveway leads to, I kid you not, a fish shop. (oh, that is a happy newlywed sticking out of the limo sunroof. that's why it's white)
I even misspelled the name of the bank that my dad worked at. oh, and mountains? hell, let's just put scaffolding over them! problem solved!
I could totally see the forest for the trees. pine trees, even. the people in the van are saying, "were here!"

I tend to believe that assignments like these are everybit as much to tell the teachers about the students as they are to teach the students. we had to fill the entire page, and I remember clearly telling my teacher that the reason I didn't color in the roads was because those roads were concrete as opposed to pavement and therefore they were white. (in reality I just didn't feel like coloring in the roads black)

a full quarter of the map is dedicated to farm land, with giant crops and everything. chickenzilla could totally stomp that river! (but I did make sure to add the treehouse that I LOVED to play in)

my trees are also giant, and the playground, strategically located near the daycare center, is f'ing huge! I have bikers as large as cars (maybe I just needed to alter the size so I could draw a proper bike?) and my signs, poor spelling and all, have labels so that the signs themselves weren't too huge ha ha

my parking lots crack me up. that brown building is hoses & apartmets

it's just not camp without the swingset! please note that my cars, which I colored in with a color changing crayon because I knew I would create a color pattern and there is no pattern to the color of cars, boast turn indicators

oh good. there's the church

who needs to get to their houses? roads and driveways are a luxury. the extra large directional driveway leads to, I kid you not, a fish shop. (oh, that is a happy newlywed sticking out of the limo sunroof. that's why it's white)

I even misspelled the name of the bank that my dad worked at. oh, and mountains? hell, let's just put scaffolding over them! problem solved!

I could totally see the forest for the trees. pine trees, even. the people in the van are saying, "were here!"


its not so much that i cant have him, its that i do want him.