LMP: 3/8 etiology: unknown
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I love browsing clearance aisles. this is merchandise that has become so valueless that even the store staff treat it like garbage. endcaps aren't conducive to rifeling through mismatched baskets; there is too much traffic. the best clearance items are those reduced so low the retailer would just as well pay the customer to take it from the store. these items go in aisles for obvious reasons.
although I've never been brave enough to pocket (or "purse") any of these items-- today I found a perfectly good set of C2 batteries! -- I have *used* items, opened them, and otherwise reorganized to maximize my amusement factor.
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be safe this weekend. enjoy the holiday and your time with friends and family.
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I love browsing clearance aisles. this is merchandise that has become so valueless that even the store staff treat it like garbage. endcaps aren't conducive to rifeling through mismatched baskets; there is too much traffic. the best clearance items are those reduced so low the retailer would just as well pay the customer to take it from the store. these items go in aisles for obvious reasons.
although I've never been brave enough to pocket (or "purse") any of these items-- today I found a perfectly good set of C2 batteries! -- I have *used* items, opened them, and otherwise reorganized to maximize my amusement factor.
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be safe this weekend. enjoy the holiday and your time with friends and family.
I zone out when I come to clearence items...it's like I have to scan everything because I may be able to use something
A goose?! What did I do now? :o)