today is my first smoke free day.
I'm actually extremely optimistic at this point. I've got my nicotine inhalers-- holy shit do they work! I've spent the past three weeks breaking behavioral habits surrounding smoking and determining what exactly the value of those little paper sticks have in my life.
I feel like I've been really busy but I couldn't say why. I'm not actually doing a lot. I think it just takes me so much longer to get me everywhere I need to be that it feels like I'm doing more.
however, I do see the neurologist tomorrow.
here's a crazy one for you:
thursday night my sister got into a car accident of indeterminate fault with a service/tow truck (although she was ready to accept fault... she was making a michigan left and he entered her lane at the same time) and there was very minor damage to both vehicles. the driver of the truck got out, screaming, told my sister not to call the police because she would get in a lot of trouble, and demanded that she write him a check for $500. he somehow managed to intimidate my stubborn bitch of sister (she's a fighting Scot like me), who just finished her junior year with a 4.0 and honors at Michigan State and is a customer service representative (a level up from a teller...) at a bank NOT to call the police and instead write a check. of course, her check is written on an account at the bank she works at, which meant that after she went to the police station, reported the accident and intimidation, the high-ups in the bank put out a stop payment indicating just what kind of fraud was going on. friday morning, when this douchebag drove into the branch and starting hollering that if he just deposited the check it would be paid since she should have enough money in her account with her paycheck, the teller was good enough to get a thumbprint but not good enough to capture the check.
besides the fact that service and tow guys never report little dings they can get out themselves to their insurance companies, this guy made his life pretty hard that night without even realizing it. I mean, I suppose if he just lets it go he doesn't have to worry about it, but my sister and I have this security system, as it were. defender of our known universe: my dad. and he is pissed. he considers this encounter assault. he's not going to make the first move, but he's not going to let this guy fuck with my sister.
giving back meaning is hard.
I've learned, though, that with each instance of discipline makes the next easier. working to give meaning, when partnered with at least somewhat effective efforts at discipline is actually impressively effective... it's an upward spiral. interestingly enough.
I'm actually extremely optimistic at this point. I've got my nicotine inhalers-- holy shit do they work! I've spent the past three weeks breaking behavioral habits surrounding smoking and determining what exactly the value of those little paper sticks have in my life.
I feel like I've been really busy but I couldn't say why. I'm not actually doing a lot. I think it just takes me so much longer to get me everywhere I need to be that it feels like I'm doing more.
however, I do see the neurologist tomorrow.
here's a crazy one for you:
thursday night my sister got into a car accident of indeterminate fault with a service/tow truck (although she was ready to accept fault... she was making a michigan left and he entered her lane at the same time) and there was very minor damage to both vehicles. the driver of the truck got out, screaming, told my sister not to call the police because she would get in a lot of trouble, and demanded that she write him a check for $500. he somehow managed to intimidate my stubborn bitch of sister (she's a fighting Scot like me), who just finished her junior year with a 4.0 and honors at Michigan State and is a customer service representative (a level up from a teller...) at a bank NOT to call the police and instead write a check. of course, her check is written on an account at the bank she works at, which meant that after she went to the police station, reported the accident and intimidation, the high-ups in the bank put out a stop payment indicating just what kind of fraud was going on. friday morning, when this douchebag drove into the branch and starting hollering that if he just deposited the check it would be paid since she should have enough money in her account with her paycheck, the teller was good enough to get a thumbprint but not good enough to capture the check.
besides the fact that service and tow guys never report little dings they can get out themselves to their insurance companies, this guy made his life pretty hard that night without even realizing it. I mean, I suppose if he just lets it go he doesn't have to worry about it, but my sister and I have this security system, as it were. defender of our known universe: my dad. and he is pissed. he considers this encounter assault. he's not going to make the first move, but he's not going to let this guy fuck with my sister.
giving back meaning is hard.
I've learned, though, that with each instance of discipline makes the next easier. working to give meaning, when partnered with at least somewhat effective efforts at discipline is actually impressively effective... it's an upward spiral. interestingly enough.
I figure its probably best to start with one...before moving onto a full mouth full