just watched little miss sunshine. the satire is so obvious it's blinding. I love it.
I did my taxes yesterday. heh. that was an experience.
so, last year I got fired from two jobs and drove taxi for a little bit and essentially had a fantastically financially unstable time. well, I sold about $4,000 worth of stock because I was POOR. fortunately, I spent about that much-- out of pocket-- on medical expenses, so I don't owe, but, well, let's just say that selling a long term investment is not a good source of income.
I am craving a waffle right now. hardxore.
also, I got a new hole. guess where and win. MistressMissy already knows so she and EvanX are disqualified.
edit: one other thing:
(sigh) when I got my computer back, at first I thought that applecare didn't have to back up my data because everything looked the same (except that the universal access stuff was off, but, well, I figured the tech wasn't going blind like me), but as I've been opening licensed programs, I've realized that, no, everything was reinstalled. this isn't a problem for the stuff that I paid A LOT for, like office, adobe products, filemaker, etc, where I've kept all the codes safely, but is super obnoxious for programs that I paid just a little bit for, like candybar and dropstuff. $5 to $20 didn't seem like a lot at the time, but it adds up. AND I mistyped my e-mail address in itunes so now it's really cranky with me. point being: save your codes!
edit part deux:
about the money stuff. I'm feeling kind of supid/ defensive/ vulnerable I guess.
I did my taxes yesterday. heh. that was an experience.
so, last year I got fired from two jobs and drove taxi for a little bit and essentially had a fantastically financially unstable time. well, I sold about $4,000 worth of stock because I was POOR. fortunately, I spent about that much-- out of pocket-- on medical expenses, so I don't owe, but, well, let's just say that selling a long term investment is not a good source of income.
I am craving a waffle right now. hardxore.
also, I got a new hole. guess where and win. MistressMissy already knows so she and EvanX are disqualified.
edit: one other thing:
(sigh) when I got my computer back, at first I thought that applecare didn't have to back up my data because everything looked the same (except that the universal access stuff was off, but, well, I figured the tech wasn't going blind like me), but as I've been opening licensed programs, I've realized that, no, everything was reinstalled. this isn't a problem for the stuff that I paid A LOT for, like office, adobe products, filemaker, etc, where I've kept all the codes safely, but is super obnoxious for programs that I paid just a little bit for, like candybar and dropstuff. $5 to $20 didn't seem like a lot at the time, but it adds up. AND I mistyped my e-mail address in itunes so now it's really cranky with me. point being: save your codes!
edit part deux:
about the money stuff. I'm feeling kind of supid/ defensive/ vulnerable I guess.
Don't talk to me about money right now. My financial life's a mess and it's all my fault. OK... maybe my addictions and multiple layoffs contributed...