the insanity:
I work at a finance company. I am, quite simply, a bill collector. I can romantize it any number of ways-- and I like to-- I like to say that I help people repair their credit. I like to say that I find people who don't want to be found (I'm very good at that). I like to say that this or that or the other thing. the reality of my day to day is that I call people repeatedly reminding them that they signed a contract, took on a voluntary debt, and they bought more than a car, they bought a chance to improve their credit.
considering that I went to law school with the intention of providing legal aid to grassroots organizations and my whole world got turned upside down when I had a catastrophic stroke two years ago, and now I absolutely need this job for the health insurance-- but I struggle with it pretty much every day-- I have a very different outlook than a lot of my coworkers.
I have a manager who either has something firmly lodged in his rectal cavity or he has lost all faith in humanity. he has no problems harrassing our customers, no problems treating them like shit. and any concerns I have with that are seen as "only my opinion."
I'm probably going to be a bifocal babe by April. I saw a neuro-ophthamologist who, quite interestingly enough, believes my stroke happened mid-medulla oblongata. my vision is *really* bad. I've got to see a few more specialists, and I've got some hardcore reading glasses on their way-- but I also need glasses for driving so... yee haw.
I spent way too much money on presents today. including what I've already spent, I seriously have dropped around $400. I've very excited about the randomness I have coming, because I'm playing the white elephant game in THREE DIFFERENT GROUPS! insanity. which leads me to my second point:
I suck royally at managing my money.
I actually have quite a bit of money, all things considered. I mean, considering that I have a job that requires no skills or experience. and I don't suck at managing my money because I go on rampant spending sprees all the time. I do that once in a long while, but rarely. and I think I deserved it. I suck at managing my money because I set up all my bills to be paid and they go out and my people cash their checks and I forget about those checks and I buy gas and prescriptions and cigarettes (lots of cigarettes) and bounce 500 checks. I solved the problem in a big way by going to a credit counselor, because they pay most of my bills. I just have to pay for my car insurance, cell phone, and the only credit card that is still open. but guess what? I bounced my car insurance check TWICE. so I'm closing my checking account. this means I will have to grumble and whine and go get money orders to pay my bills. BUT it also means that I won't cry and be sad when my important bills have checks bounce because I'm stupid. and believe me, I've tried just about every trick in the book. and I'm smart. I'm actually a certifiable genius. the fact of the matter remains that I can't fucking balance a checkbook.
fun present websites:
and of course
I work at a finance company. I am, quite simply, a bill collector. I can romantize it any number of ways-- and I like to-- I like to say that I help people repair their credit. I like to say that I find people who don't want to be found (I'm very good at that). I like to say that this or that or the other thing. the reality of my day to day is that I call people repeatedly reminding them that they signed a contract, took on a voluntary debt, and they bought more than a car, they bought a chance to improve their credit.
considering that I went to law school with the intention of providing legal aid to grassroots organizations and my whole world got turned upside down when I had a catastrophic stroke two years ago, and now I absolutely need this job for the health insurance-- but I struggle with it pretty much every day-- I have a very different outlook than a lot of my coworkers.
I have a manager who either has something firmly lodged in his rectal cavity or he has lost all faith in humanity. he has no problems harrassing our customers, no problems treating them like shit. and any concerns I have with that are seen as "only my opinion."
I'm probably going to be a bifocal babe by April. I saw a neuro-ophthamologist who, quite interestingly enough, believes my stroke happened mid-medulla oblongata. my vision is *really* bad. I've got to see a few more specialists, and I've got some hardcore reading glasses on their way-- but I also need glasses for driving so... yee haw.
I spent way too much money on presents today. including what I've already spent, I seriously have dropped around $400. I've very excited about the randomness I have coming, because I'm playing the white elephant game in THREE DIFFERENT GROUPS! insanity. which leads me to my second point:
I suck royally at managing my money.
I actually have quite a bit of money, all things considered. I mean, considering that I have a job that requires no skills or experience. and I don't suck at managing my money because I go on rampant spending sprees all the time. I do that once in a long while, but rarely. and I think I deserved it. I suck at managing my money because I set up all my bills to be paid and they go out and my people cash their checks and I forget about those checks and I buy gas and prescriptions and cigarettes (lots of cigarettes) and bounce 500 checks. I solved the problem in a big way by going to a credit counselor, because they pay most of my bills. I just have to pay for my car insurance, cell phone, and the only credit card that is still open. but guess what? I bounced my car insurance check TWICE. so I'm closing my checking account. this means I will have to grumble and whine and go get money orders to pay my bills. BUT it also means that I won't cry and be sad when my important bills have checks bounce because I'm stupid. and believe me, I've tried just about every trick in the book. and I'm smart. I'm actually a certifiable genius. the fact of the matter remains that I can't fucking balance a checkbook.
fun present websites:
and of course
good luck with your eyes! i don't know your situation but problem vision CAN be turned around - my dad and boyfriend are proof.
i know, christmas is so expensive! even though i was just given a large wad of cash when i sold my car i forget to take it anywhere and pay by card instead - completely losing track of how much i've spent
i will check out those sites, they all have cute names! and there is also this site for Pistolita Suicide 2007 Calendars! Pistolita is suffering badly too at the moment, the calendar has been created to raise money for her - and will make a sweet gift
best wishes to you always xox
on a slightly happier note (money worries aside, of course), i hope that your christmas is a lovely one. i'm finding it somewhat difficult to get into the spirit of it all at the moment with everything that's going on, but hopefully now that liss has finished her university course for the christmas holidays, things will calm down a bit. she's always been my rock, so i'm hoping that having her around will help me to stablise myself a bit over the coming weeks.
for now though, i'm gonna hafta finish up and check out all the job listings before my half hour runs out, so i guess i'll say farewell. please, please, please, please, please, please write back to me if you get a chance hun...i really miss hearing from you. i hope that wherever you are and whatever you're doing, that life is treating you reasonably well. i'll be online again tomorrow to see if you've had a chance to respond =)