I won a gym membership.
I told my mom, and she said that she has probably won five gym memberships in her lifetime. (sigh) but really, I won! in October, when I was looking for a place to have my wedding reception, the place that we ended up deciding on had one of those "win a car!" drawings. I signed up for it, and I won third prize, a membership for a person of my choice and me to their gym and spa for a year.
I have to go check it out and claim it.
and figure out who I would give my other membership to.
oh, so now that I have money again, I looked back at something I have desperately wanted to buy. uterus art but, dammit, I don't have that much money. I was going to get one as a gift for a friend (I still want one for me, too). maybe one day when I'm rich and famous.
I do think I found a suitable alternative gift, though. a nutcracker. he he. I could pair that with some gourmet nuts and it would be a beauty of a gift.
I saw The Breakup last night. I couldn't identify with either of the main characters. I think the previews are completely misleading. I still don't know how I feel about the film in and of itself. I think I need to stop seeing happy love story movies while I'm, well, where I am in life. I should go see Over the Hedge or Moster House and try to take them seriously as art. try to understand the animators' struggle.
or I should clean my room and write my letters and work on my nutritional data sheets that I've been putting off.
I told my mom, and she said that she has probably won five gym memberships in her lifetime. (sigh) but really, I won! in October, when I was looking for a place to have my wedding reception, the place that we ended up deciding on had one of those "win a car!" drawings. I signed up for it, and I won third prize, a membership for a person of my choice and me to their gym and spa for a year.
I have to go check it out and claim it.
and figure out who I would give my other membership to.
oh, so now that I have money again, I looked back at something I have desperately wanted to buy. uterus art but, dammit, I don't have that much money. I was going to get one as a gift for a friend (I still want one for me, too). maybe one day when I'm rich and famous.
I do think I found a suitable alternative gift, though. a nutcracker. he he. I could pair that with some gourmet nuts and it would be a beauty of a gift.
I saw The Breakup last night. I couldn't identify with either of the main characters. I think the previews are completely misleading. I still don't know how I feel about the film in and of itself. I think I need to stop seeing happy love story movies while I'm, well, where I am in life. I should go see Over the Hedge or Moster House and try to take them seriously as art. try to understand the animators' struggle.
or I should clean my room and write my letters and work on my nutritional data sheets that I've been putting off.

I am VERY familiar with the island. been going there with family since I was an infant. This will be the first time I attempt to do it all for free though...(well, that's sort of a lie, I'm gonna pay for the boat ride to the island...you kinda have to...but from there, no money will be spend for three days)
here's hopin it works out....thanks for the well wishes
that was the perfect thing to say.