today so far.
i woke up and rediscovered that for some reason i had slept in yesterdays clothes, well the reason was that it was cold last night. why i didnt put somepj's on instead i have no idea.
i went to work for 4 hours and got paid time and a half plus saturday bonus. yay for money but work was really dull.
i came home. and discovered that the very kind and skillful cdt21 had posted me a hat
and then we took the rubbish to the tip (the bin men dont like us, they havent collected our rubbish for 3 weeks)
then went to the boyf's mum's house and collected his borther and took him shopping and purchased some food.
i have just coloured my hair brown and i am now sat with some nice smelling conditioner on it with clingfilm
on my head and my new hat on top of that. very attractive i look im sure.
in a few hours we are going back to crayonscars mums for tea (joy for not having to cook) and tonight we are going out and getting drunk.
when i grow up i want to be just like dotty because shes beautiful and in her new set she has fantastic shoes.
also i think i might actually like my short tiny fringe, im upset that it has started to grow!
i woke up and rediscovered that for some reason i had slept in yesterdays clothes, well the reason was that it was cold last night. why i didnt put somepj's on instead i have no idea.
i went to work for 4 hours and got paid time and a half plus saturday bonus. yay for money but work was really dull.
i came home. and discovered that the very kind and skillful cdt21 had posted me a hat

then went to the boyf's mum's house and collected his borther and took him shopping and purchased some food.
i have just coloured my hair brown and i am now sat with some nice smelling conditioner on it with clingfilm
on my head and my new hat on top of that. very attractive i look im sure.
in a few hours we are going back to crayonscars mums for tea (joy for not having to cook) and tonight we are going out and getting drunk.
when i grow up i want to be just like dotty because shes beautiful and in her new set she has fantastic shoes.
also i think i might actually like my short tiny fringe, im upset that it has started to grow!
my fringe always grows way too fast when i actually like it. then when i try to trim it myself, i usually find out my technique isnt quite as good as my hair dressers!