its very snowy. it took my ages to get home from my parents and a car died in front of me in the traffic and had to be pushed to the side of the road. Also there was a fire engine but there was no fire. It was just sat in the middle of the road with its flashy lights with firemen milling around and then when i was nearly home there was an ambulance and it was on the wrong side of the road.
exciting traffic in the snow in hull.
I had another appointment with the 'relate' lady today and i need to made an angry/sad diary which i feel a bit silly doing to be honest.
Today i also meant to go out and buy vegatables and take some clothes to the charity shop but it was cold and i decided to stay in the comfortable cocoon of my parents living room.
i have almost definately decided that the tattoo will go around my left wrist, then i can hide it with my watch for work. im a bit scared though - my other tattoo is on my back and i donthave to look at that everyday.
im thinking about going a teeny bit darker with my hair.
i have been informed that i'm going out tonight - 15 minute walk in the cold to look forward too - woo-bloody-hoo
exciting traffic in the snow in hull.
I had another appointment with the 'relate' lady today and i need to made an angry/sad diary which i feel a bit silly doing to be honest.
Today i also meant to go out and buy vegatables and take some clothes to the charity shop but it was cold and i decided to stay in the comfortable cocoon of my parents living room.
i have almost definately decided that the tattoo will go around my left wrist, then i can hide it with my watch for work. im a bit scared though - my other tattoo is on my back and i donthave to look at that everyday.
im thinking about going a teeny bit darker with my hair.
i have been informed that i'm going out tonight - 15 minute walk in the cold to look forward too - woo-bloody-hoo
You are made of stronger stuff than me! when faced with a 15 min walk in the cold I just don't go out
You're tattoo sounds cool but if you aren't sure wait a bit, let it fix itself in your mind. Then go for it

I fit in them, then i dont my weights like a bloody yo yo. Hate it.