Friday Mar 18, 2005 Mar 18, 2005 1 Facebook Tweet Email FUCK VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS doublec: thank you! ...yeah, i like the long hair with bangs thing's the rockabilly girl hidden inside me "FUCK"? what happened? Mar 22, 2005 bombshellbetty: FUCK, you say? Is that an order? Yeah, I hear you about soaking up the sunshine. The weather around here is so unpredictable, you really have to enjoy the sun while it's out, because it might be grey half an hour later. Like today. *pout* Mar 23, 2005
what happened?
Yeah, I hear you about soaking up the sunshine. The weather around here is so unpredictable, you really have to enjoy the sun while it's out, because it might be grey half an hour later. Like today. *pout*