Hello! Its about time i updated i think. I've had the best weekend in ages. Me and funkdubious have spent a lovely weekend together doing absolutely nothing, been watching films, lazing about and not doing anything work related in the slightest! (Though now the house is in a bit of a mess and i have to tidy it!) We've been talking about a holiday together, (But its much more exciting than just a holiday, 'marriage' has popped up a few times and we've been talking about that too! I don't want to talk to much about it with others though coz nothings 'official' yet and i dont want to bugger it before it starts!!
I also passed my driving test this afternoon, am so happy about that! I did 2 moc tests before and failed them both, so i was sure i was going to screw that up like the practise ones, but i didnt, yay!
Have been learning to drive for sooo long, it was starting to get frustrating! Now im looking forward to adventures in my little car..!

Sorry I didn't get back to you but I had to work. Sometimes being brutally honest is hard!!!
hi my sweety friend how are you ? are you always on bike ?? kisses and many good things