As residents of Baghdad celebrated the apparent fall of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's regime, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Wednesday cautioned that portions of Iraq "are still hotly contested BUT RIGHT NOW I'M LEANING TOWARDS SHELL OVER EXXON. NO FURTHER COMMENTS."
I hate you. Can we have a different oil puppet, please? Maybe an executive of sorts? I mean, at least I won't have to look at my grandpa anymore. Perhaps we should find someone outside of the industry. The State Department (me) would like to take this time to recommend Bijou.
I hate you. Can we have a different oil puppet, please? Maybe an executive of sorts? I mean, at least I won't have to look at my grandpa anymore. Perhaps we should find someone outside of the industry. The State Department (me) would like to take this time to recommend Bijou.