The sun sets on another day
The trees begin to sleep
The earth lets out a low moan
Night has come
Darkness creeps across the land
As the moon ascends
A cold chill dances in the air
A gray haze has robbed the sky of star light
I sit in my bed alone
covers pulled up tight against my chin
I can feel the loneliness set in
and its not the bed bugs that bite my insides
The demons gather under my matress
I can hear their empty screams
My soul trembles with fright
Not again, not tonight.
I pull the comforter over my sweat soaked head
Maybe this time they will leave me be?
I can feel the bed frame shake
As my eyes fill with salty tears
They climb up the sides and are upon me
I can smell ambers and taste burnt flesh
I dare not look from the safety of this warm evil womb
Then it happens
I am consumed by the nothingness
I swim to free myself of the thick blackness the engulfs me
But my hands are chained to this sorrow
I open my mouth to scream .... in vain
My face burns with hot pain
My heart burst inside my chest
My flesh is cold and dead
Left only with one question... will it end?
The moon begins to descend
Shadows begin to dance across the icey earth
The trees begin to stir from sumber
Brightness fills the sky
The sun warms the ground
it's rays reach into my window
Melting the chains that bind me
But it is to late
For I am left empty inside
Photo by Larry Bradby
The sun sets on another day
The trees begin to sleep
The earth lets out a low moan
Night has come
Darkness creeps across the land
As the moon ascends
A cold chill dances in the air
A gray haze has robbed the sky of star light
I sit in my bed alone
covers pulled up tight against my chin
I can feel the loneliness set in
and its not the bed bugs that bite my insides
The demons gather under my matress
I can hear their empty screams
My soul trembles with fright
Not again, not tonight.
I pull the comforter over my sweat soaked head
Maybe this time they will leave me be?
I can feel the bed frame shake
As my eyes fill with salty tears
They climb up the sides and are upon me
I can smell ambers and taste burnt flesh
I dare not look from the safety of this warm evil womb
Then it happens
I am consumed by the nothingness
I swim to free myself of the thick blackness the engulfs me
But my hands are chained to this sorrow
I open my mouth to scream .... in vain
My face burns with hot pain
My heart burst inside my chest
My flesh is cold and dead
Left only with one question... will it end?
The moon begins to descend
Shadows begin to dance across the icey earth
The trees begin to stir from sumber
Brightness fills the sky
The sun warms the ground
it's rays reach into my window
Melting the chains that bind me
But it is to late
For I am left empty inside

Photo by Larry Bradby
i like dark words.