I just recieved a letter in my door that reads: This letter is to inform you that effective January 1, 2005 your rent will drop to $475 per month. This is due to a longegevity credit that the owner offfers to residents that have been here for more than 2 years. You also have a $70.00 credit to your account because you should have recieved this credit as of May 2004. You rent for january 2005 will be $440 due to the credit on your account.
How awesome is that!!!!!! Hell yeah! I am so excited about this. Last year our rent went up so I was thinking that it would go up again! Then a month ago I found out my health insurance at work is going down by 10 bucks a month! All this money being saved is going to an account I like to call "baby fund"!
It's so great we get paid three times this month so I get paid two more times still and I am going to have so much money this month and next month. It feels so fucking good to not be all worried about money. I hate stressing about money, but I do it all the time.
Then yesterday even though I was totally frustrated something really cool happened. I won this:
I signed up to get one in August and I guess my letter got there to late, but they must have had some extra and my name was put in a drawing and I won! I am not really sure what I am going to do with it. I would give it to my kids at school, but there is only one controller and it would be broken in a day. I would keep it for my own kids, but it is going to be awhile before I have any kids so I am going to see if I can sell it or else I am going to return it to a store that sells them. It came with this really cool Care Bear game. I have never won anything in my life so this was pretty cool. It got delievered to me at work and I was like "Huh, I didn't order this!"
I am in the best mood I have been in, in a very long time. It feels good I forgot how good it feels to actually feel good and happy!
I just hope it lasts. Maybe December will finally be my month.
I hope your day is going well and happy.
"And then I saw Niobe!"
How awesome is that!!!!!! Hell yeah! I am so excited about this. Last year our rent went up so I was thinking that it would go up again! Then a month ago I found out my health insurance at work is going down by 10 bucks a month! All this money being saved is going to an account I like to call "baby fund"!

Then yesterday even though I was totally frustrated something really cool happened. I won this:

I signed up to get one in August and I guess my letter got there to late, but they must have had some extra and my name was put in a drawing and I won! I am not really sure what I am going to do with it. I would give it to my kids at school, but there is only one controller and it would be broken in a day. I would keep it for my own kids, but it is going to be awhile before I have any kids so I am going to see if I can sell it or else I am going to return it to a store that sells them. It came with this really cool Care Bear game. I have never won anything in my life so this was pretty cool. It got delievered to me at work and I was like "Huh, I didn't order this!"

I am in the best mood I have been in, in a very long time. It feels good I forgot how good it feels to actually feel good and happy!

I hope your day is going well and happy.

"And then I saw Niobe!"
You never took my quiz.

2 right? That puts you in company with Danielle and Lotus...pretty good company.