Tonight was totally awesome!!!!!
My dad and I went and saw Journey at the casino. Pretty good show. We left a little early, because the place was packed and my dad freaks out in traffic. Like when we go to Brewer games we usually leave at the bottom of the eighth to get out before everyone else.
My dad is in the excutive players club at the casino so before the show we go to eat this really awesome meal. They actually had stuff, I could eat, believe it or not. I mean nothing totally veggie, but they had a salad and steamed carrots and steamed red potatoes. It was nice. So we sat and chatted before the show. Then when we went into to see the show we got to stand in this special VIP section, I felt so special. But the specialness wore off when people started standing in front of me. Sometimes, it really sucks being 5 feet tall. Luckily they had two really big screens on either side of the stage to show what was going on so I could at least watch those. The lead singer, although it wasn't Steve Perry, had a really nice ass, and he knew it too. Damn, I think I saw his ass on those big screens more than anything else. They had a pretty good guitarist that did a solo of the Star Spangled Banner and then he did Voodo Child, totally my favorite Jimi Hendrix song so that was very cool. So it was a awesome show, I guess. But what made it totally cool was going with my dad. I wish I had a picture of him to post. He is the best. I totally love my dad. He is so silly and fun to talk to. He is a tall, skinny, bald guy he is going to be 54 on the 23rd, but he looks amazing. He is really good shape and really healthy. I ♥ my papa!
Tomorrow is Friday, thank god. I am glad this week was short and now almost over. I am planning this going away party for one of my bosses and I am totally stressing out. That is next week Tuesday. I am trying to do most of the planning by myself, because I don't trust anyone that I work with to do what I will ask them to do. So it's kind of my own fault for stressing out so much. But I really like my boss and I want everything to run smoothly since it's her party.
Oh and it's payday tomorrow. Which it really needs to be since my bills are piling up.
I hope you all have really great weekends.
On Sunday I am driving to Milwaukee to hang out with Need2xcap2 it should be awesome. I have never driven that far by myself. I really hope I don't get lost and if anything interesting happens one of us will be sure to get pics.
I am in such a good mood tonight, I was seriously skipping out of the casino with my dad. It feels really good. I love this feeling, I don't want it to go away. I really need to spend more time with my dad if he leaves this kind of effect on me.
Tomorrow night my brother has a gig in town playing with his band. My mom and I are going to go watch him play. I know I am going to be laughing my ass off, but it will be cool to see my big brother on stage prentending to be all hot and shit.
I only have two days of work next week them I am going on vacation. A much needed vacation. We are going camping next weekend if everything goes well. I really hope it will go well, because I would really like to go camping. There is nothing more soothing than the sound of leaves rustling in the trees overhead.
Well take care and do something really fun this weekend.
And to make my journal even longer than it already is
What a great shirt!!!!!
My Trentie!
Trent in long sleeves, damn thats HOT!
I wonder what he is looking at?
He looks so lonely.
*Le sigh*
Like, WHOA!
Why do I love this picture so?
If you believe in dreams, well it's more important that a dream can come true.

My dad and I went and saw Journey at the casino. Pretty good show. We left a little early, because the place was packed and my dad freaks out in traffic. Like when we go to Brewer games we usually leave at the bottom of the eighth to get out before everyone else.

Tomorrow is Friday, thank god. I am glad this week was short and now almost over. I am planning this going away party for one of my bosses and I am totally stressing out. That is next week Tuesday. I am trying to do most of the planning by myself, because I don't trust anyone that I work with to do what I will ask them to do. So it's kind of my own fault for stressing out so much. But I really like my boss and I want everything to run smoothly since it's her party.
Oh and it's payday tomorrow. Which it really needs to be since my bills are piling up.
I hope you all have really great weekends.

On Sunday I am driving to Milwaukee to hang out with Need2xcap2 it should be awesome. I have never driven that far by myself. I really hope I don't get lost and if anything interesting happens one of us will be sure to get pics.

I am in such a good mood tonight, I was seriously skipping out of the casino with my dad. It feels really good. I love this feeling, I don't want it to go away. I really need to spend more time with my dad if he leaves this kind of effect on me.
Tomorrow night my brother has a gig in town playing with his band. My mom and I are going to go watch him play. I know I am going to be laughing my ass off, but it will be cool to see my big brother on stage prentending to be all hot and shit.

I only have two days of work next week them I am going on vacation. A much needed vacation. We are going camping next weekend if everything goes well. I really hope it will go well, because I would really like to go camping. There is nothing more soothing than the sound of leaves rustling in the trees overhead.

Well take care and do something really fun this weekend.

And to make my journal even longer than it already is

What a great shirt!!!!!

My Trentie!


Trent in long sleeves, damn thats HOT!


I wonder what he is looking at?

He looks so lonely.


*Le sigh*

Like, WHOA!


Why do I love this picture so?

If you believe in dreams, well it's more important that a dream can come true.
getting here at 12 is fine...i am very okay w/ that....
i'll give you directions when you call...
see you tomorrow!