I got a webcam yesterday. It took a long time to get it running, but it finally works.
Today is going alright. We walked to the library, but didn't stay, because there were too many kids and it was insane. We walked by the river to watch construstion workers working.
It's the perfect, cloudy, overcast, not too hot, not too cold day out today. I love it. I wish KidGumby weren't getting home so late. I was thinking about going for a walk or palying in the park or something.
Alice, our cat, has a bone to pick with KidGumby today. He left her in the closet all morning. When I came home on my break, I couldn't find her in her normal napping places. I called her name and I heard her crying from the closet. Poor kitty. She seems okay though. Not like anything could have really happened to her though. She is just very cuddly now. And thirsty.
I hope your Monday's are going well.
Is it just me more does Trent look really old in this picture?
Today is going alright. We walked to the library, but didn't stay, because there were too many kids and it was insane. We walked by the river to watch construstion workers working.
It's the perfect, cloudy, overcast, not too hot, not too cold day out today. I love it. I wish KidGumby weren't getting home so late. I was thinking about going for a walk or palying in the park or something.
Alice, our cat, has a bone to pick with KidGumby today. He left her in the closet all morning. When I came home on my break, I couldn't find her in her normal napping places. I called her name and I heard her crying from the closet. Poor kitty. She seems okay though. Not like anything could have really happened to her though. She is just very cuddly now. And thirsty.
I hope your Monday's are going well.
Is it just me more does Trent look really old in this picture?
and i got to meet johnny knoxville
tofu ""