ayer hize limpieza en mi habitacin y me di cuenta de que tenia un monton de tesoros escondidos en los rincones, hahaha viejas cartas, algunas revistas que norecordaba haber comprado, animales de peluche, y g.i. joes
hahah asi se ve mi cama en estos momentos puees aun no he acabado de limpiar, pero terminare en cuanto llegue a casa del trabajo
yesterdey it was cleaning day so i cleaned up my room and i realised that i had a lot of hidden treasures, hahaha some old letters, old magazines that i don't remember when i bought em, some stuffed animals and g.i. joes
and my bed looks like that in this moments cuz i didn't finish with the cleaning, but iwill finish when i get home from work

some night shots from past days
hahah asi se ve mi cama en estos momentos puees aun no he acabado de limpiar, pero terminare en cuanto llegue a casa del trabajo

yesterdey it was cleaning day so i cleaned up my room and i realised that i had a lot of hidden treasures, hahaha some old letters, old magazines that i don't remember when i bought em, some stuffed animals and g.i. joes
and my bed looks like that in this moments cuz i didn't finish with the cleaning, but iwill finish when i get home from work

some night shots from past days

ahora el verano y el invierno mmm...
me gusta el verano solo que tanto calor me asfixia jajajaaj