Thursday Jan 30, 2003 Jan 30, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Today I shall spend the day wrapped in warm flannel, eating grilled peanut butter sandwiches, and reading. And I don't think any one of you can stop me! Ha! VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS mattereaterlad2: tonight, i begin snow angels. mere moments away. can you feel the excitement? my god, what a great day thursday must have been. must wait for sunday to do same. may add bacon to the sandwich. may also drink cheap champagne. Jan 30, 2003 grooverider: do you have bananas in them? that's one of my favorites. Elvis loved them too... Jan 31, 2003
my god, what a great day thursday must have been. must wait for sunday to do same. may add bacon to the sandwich. may also drink cheap champagne.