And there is too much of the click & load going on.
I hadn't discovered the boards around here until recently (could've been under better circumstances..), and I don't know how many other people really notice that link next to "Groups", but here's a thread for complaint/praise of the new layout if anyone feels like letting 'em know what you think.
Seriousness and angst below:
...and above.
So, I got to see TMNT this weekend. The whole movie looked great, and the fight in the rain on the rooftop...gorgeous. I was also happy that the movie really stayed true to the spirit and attitude of the original Eastman and Laird comics. Okay, y'know, I told a few people I thought the movie was just "okay" ...I didn't feel like it pulled me in at the time, but the more I think about it...that flick was actually pretty good. Now granted, if you'd ask me to recommend a "an animated super hero movie containing humor and themes of family, brotherhood, duty, finding your way while something makes you different from everyone else"...well, I'd probably still point you to The Incredibles, but as a Turtles fan (4 life! ), I can wholeheartedly recommend TMNT. Plus, it really did have some nice Casey Jones stuff in it, and I thought it was cool how none of the turtles had any qualms about just sitting back and watching the Foot get pummeled by a big monster. ..and I'm pretty sure some Foot ninjas got sliced up in that final battle.
Now, the purist in me kind of wishes they'd make all their masks red, like in the original comic (well, on the covers at least), and maybe just make the different green skin tones more obvious in order to tell them apart.
Wonder what they'll do for a possible sequel. Maybe return of Shredder..But the Fugitoid/Triceraton story in the comics was also really cool.
Now..I just gotta see Grindhouse.