Got a late present from a roommate. It's a drawing by her amazon of a sister (first print ever bought from artist). Cute girl, big gun.
More Blogs
Saturday Jul 19, 2003
Okay, super yippie! Cable internet (and cable) installed today, mo… -
Wednesday Jul 09, 2003
Ohhh, it is nearly fourish in the morn. I am using the Starbucks wir… -
Monday Jun 30, 2003
Not a whole lot to say, so here is a story. Some guy had been stop… -
Wednesday Jun 25, 2003
Okay, I am not dead. Or even close. I just have been to busy/la… -
Tuesday May 27, 2003
Dude...y'all are never gonna believe this, but I got the highest scor… -
Friday May 23, 2003
So I am all moved into MY HOUSE! No phone yet (I called them), final… -
Monday May 19, 2003
Ah yes, it is a Monday. I woke up this morning at 8:00am after sta… -
Saturday May 17, 2003
This is great, just great. I am missing a kegger at my own freakin… -
Saturday May 17, 2003
Well, now, I will write a long joural entry later, because I have to … -
Thursday May 15, 2003
So, yay, my account is worked out and I didn't miss a day... Today…