Dude...y'all are never gonna believe this, but I got the highest score the first round of paitball madness last Sunday.
First we hear who won (my team, both times, GREEN TEAM RULES!) then when they say my name after the highest score, everyone looks around.
"Ninjagrrl? Who? What, this lil' thing?"
It was neat. Of course the second round (30 freakin mad minutes of laser action) I got about the same score, but it was nowhere near the highest. It was great to meet some rad SG PDX'ers.
As far as everyday life goes, the house is ironing out the wrinkles. The ol'man and I will have a bed soon, we have shiteloads of food, things are good.
I am reading IT and it scares the crap out of me...good book though.
take care you crazies,
First we hear who won (my team, both times, GREEN TEAM RULES!) then when they say my name after the highest score, everyone looks around.
"Ninjagrrl? Who? What, this lil' thing?"
It was neat. Of course the second round (30 freakin mad minutes of laser action) I got about the same score, but it was nowhere near the highest. It was great to meet some rad SG PDX'ers.
As far as everyday life goes, the house is ironing out the wrinkles. The ol'man and I will have a bed soon, we have shiteloads of food, things are good.
I am reading IT and it scares the crap out of me...good book though.
take care you crazies,
Dude, so much has happened since I've last heard from you. How's it been going? Let me know. I have some stories.