Ok, been a bit busy with the big old holidays, but hopefully everything gets calm for a little while. My grandfather just got out of the hospital, they had to put in a pacemaker to stabilize his heart rate. He's fine now, but it was a bit of a scare. My Dad has been on hyper-active freak out mode since it happened, it has been hard being around him. I know that he's upset and scared that his dad is about to die, so I've tried to be more supportive and a little less of an asshole. But he doesn't make it easy. The family had to upgrade phones because we all had to switch from Alltel phones to Verizon phones, my dad and I got the same phone. It has been two days and he hasn't stopped asking me questions about the different functions, which is fine. Until he gets pissy when I don't have an answer for him. Thus, tomorrow I've decided to head back up to Lawrence, see a few friends, figure out what I'm doing about snowboarding and get a bit of peace and quiet. Not that I haven't been getting rest, it's just been stressful to be home. On the plus side, I got zombie movies for Christmas. Can't wait to re-watch 28 Days later... such a good one.