Okay super long update here we go *cracks knuckle*
Bonnaroo first!! We left on Wed, the day before, and made pretty good time for the first part. Thanks to my lead foot I made it to the other side of Louisville and then some, with a little traffic jam, from Indy in a little less than an hour and a half. Usually it takes 1 hour 30/2 hours to get to Louisvile haha. We then stopped at a rest stop for potty breaks and snack time!
This was after my friend decided to tackle me onto the rock hard ground that I am sure hasn't seen rain in years >_<
Rest of the trip was uneventful until we got into another traffic jam when we got into Tennessee. We were having fun writing signs for all our Bonnabuds we were running into. Then I decided to get out of the car and pick some flowers for us
The line into Bonnaroo took a little over an hour I think...I stopped keeping count, I was too busy whistling at all the people peeing on the side of the road and riding in the trunk while trying to get a drink out for my friend. That night we set up camp and met the neighbors, some of which were awesome and some that were extremely unsociable. It was already dark so we just walked around our camping area to check where everything was and get some foooood. There was an awesome pizza place right by us.
Woke up the next day bright and early, at SEVEN IN THE MORNING! It was already in the 90s so impossible to sleep in the tents so we got up and went to where the food was, found some shade and fell asleep for a few more hours!! That was our morning ritual every day we were there.
The next four days were a blur of sleeping, eating, music, sweating, laughing at everyone's sunburns, and walking. I managed the whole trip without a sunburn even though I was one of the palest people there! Thursday was The Drums and Sleigh Bells! Both were amazing! I pretty much died during Sleigh Bells, it was the only show I was injured at the whole weekend. It was the weirdest show i've ever been to. Some dude started a circle pit and I got donkey kicked by a couple of people in my shins. It made no sense. And some idiot girl crowd surfed during The Drums which also makes no sense. Friday was Florence + the Machine who was hands down the best performance! Florence sounded AMAZING, perfect. I unfortunely got there kinda late so I could just barely make her out on stage. Arcade Fire was also amazing, their show was really cool. Bassnectar rocked! I got to get dancy and it was insane. Then last was Pretty Lights which was awesome too! I was pretty much dead on my feet at that point so I wasn't as dancy as I wish i was
. Saturday was my birthday!!! Started off by getting stung by a bee!!!!!!!
It wasn't that bad though haha.I slept most of this day in random areas from being so damn exhausted! Saw some of Devotchka and mostly walked around that day, went to the Adult Swim area and won a hat! Then went back to the tent around 11:30 to nap so I would be able to dance at Girl Talk!!! Then Sunday was pretty subdued a lot of people actually left that morning. We stayed of course - had to see Robyn!!!!! Robyn was my favorite performance! Then we sat through most of The Strokes and headed back to the tent to pack up so we wouldn't have to do it all in the morning. Here are some pictures!
From a bathroom we stopped at haha
Sleigh Bells
Our morning nap spot.
Silent Disco! Everyone wears wireless headphones and dances while everyone outside points and laughs.
My cheesey tourist photo
Resting in some shade! It was so hot!
The only alcohol I drank. It was too hot and I literally wanted to vomit right after drinking it.
This is after we were in the Fountain! It was a huge fountain with freezing cold water that pretty much saved me!!
It was insane and super fun and I can't wait till next year! And i'll be even more prepared next time!! I didn't wash my hair for six days and this is what it looked like at the end haha
Aaaaaaand here is after! MUCH better!
Other than that I've celebrated another friend's birthday! I made her 24 (the age she was turning) german chocolate cupcakes
I also got more work done on my arm!
That fantastic sweatshirt you see in those pictures was a birthday present to myself!! A 1991 original!
And for shits and gigs here is a picture of my weirdo cat

Bonnaroo first!! We left on Wed, the day before, and made pretty good time for the first part. Thanks to my lead foot I made it to the other side of Louisville and then some, with a little traffic jam, from Indy in a little less than an hour and a half. Usually it takes 1 hour 30/2 hours to get to Louisvile haha. We then stopped at a rest stop for potty breaks and snack time!
This was after my friend decided to tackle me onto the rock hard ground that I am sure hasn't seen rain in years >_<

Rest of the trip was uneventful until we got into another traffic jam when we got into Tennessee. We were having fun writing signs for all our Bonnabuds we were running into. Then I decided to get out of the car and pick some flowers for us

The line into Bonnaroo took a little over an hour I think...I stopped keeping count, I was too busy whistling at all the people peeing on the side of the road and riding in the trunk while trying to get a drink out for my friend. That night we set up camp and met the neighbors, some of which were awesome and some that were extremely unsociable. It was already dark so we just walked around our camping area to check where everything was and get some foooood. There was an awesome pizza place right by us.
Woke up the next day bright and early, at SEVEN IN THE MORNING! It was already in the 90s so impossible to sleep in the tents so we got up and went to where the food was, found some shade and fell asleep for a few more hours!! That was our morning ritual every day we were there.
The next four days were a blur of sleeping, eating, music, sweating, laughing at everyone's sunburns, and walking. I managed the whole trip without a sunburn even though I was one of the palest people there! Thursday was The Drums and Sleigh Bells! Both were amazing! I pretty much died during Sleigh Bells, it was the only show I was injured at the whole weekend. It was the weirdest show i've ever been to. Some dude started a circle pit and I got donkey kicked by a couple of people in my shins. It made no sense. And some idiot girl crowd surfed during The Drums which also makes no sense. Friday was Florence + the Machine who was hands down the best performance! Florence sounded AMAZING, perfect. I unfortunely got there kinda late so I could just barely make her out on stage. Arcade Fire was also amazing, their show was really cool. Bassnectar rocked! I got to get dancy and it was insane. Then last was Pretty Lights which was awesome too! I was pretty much dead on my feet at that point so I wasn't as dancy as I wish i was

From a bathroom we stopped at haha

Sleigh Bells

Our morning nap spot.

Silent Disco! Everyone wears wireless headphones and dances while everyone outside points and laughs.

My cheesey tourist photo

Resting in some shade! It was so hot!

The only alcohol I drank. It was too hot and I literally wanted to vomit right after drinking it.

This is after we were in the Fountain! It was a huge fountain with freezing cold water that pretty much saved me!!

It was insane and super fun and I can't wait till next year! And i'll be even more prepared next time!! I didn't wash my hair for six days and this is what it looked like at the end haha

Aaaaaaand here is after! MUCH better!

Other than that I've celebrated another friend's birthday! I made her 24 (the age she was turning) german chocolate cupcakes

I also got more work done on my arm!

That fantastic sweatshirt you see in those pictures was a birthday present to myself!! A 1991 original!

And for shits and gigs here is a picture of my weirdo cat

Are you having a nice weekend?