Now that I'm a working stiff, most of my week day life hasn't been too exciting. However, I've managed to keep busy on my weekends.
Last week, CLaire and I had to dram in all the episodes of Firefly so that we could be properly excited to see Serenity. As high as our hopes were, they couldn't have expected how absolutely fantastic it was. It's really great when things turn out for the better.
Saturday we went to the wedding of an old friend of mine. I love weddings. Everybody's always so happy. Seeing old friends was pretty great too.
So as to not stop with the busy weekend, we went apple picking on sunday.
Here I am, uh, sampling the goods.
There are more in one of my folders.
Things are good lately. So yeah, until next time.

Last week, CLaire and I had to dram in all the episodes of Firefly so that we could be properly excited to see Serenity. As high as our hopes were, they couldn't have expected how absolutely fantastic it was. It's really great when things turn out for the better.
Saturday we went to the wedding of an old friend of mine. I love weddings. Everybody's always so happy. Seeing old friends was pretty great too.
So as to not stop with the busy weekend, we went apple picking on sunday.
Here I am, uh, sampling the goods.

There are more in one of my folders.
Things are good lately. So yeah, until next time.

I don't know, though. They probably don't want to talk to me.
But at least I can go looking hot. Be all like "Yeah, this is what you missed out on, suckers." lol!
Seriously, though, I was pretty chunky back then.