I start with a new kid today. One week left of school and I start with a new kid. So I have four hours to teach him a month's worth of material. Also, I'll be administering his regents exam?!? Oh, and he's not in school because he's missing part of his skull and wouldn't wear his helmet and eventually got booted because of it. Then his mother refused to accept tutoring in his home until this week. What is with people? Really, what?
More Blogs
Friday Jun 03, 2005
Oh, and I watched the last episode of Enterprise tonight. I really s… -
Friday Jun 03, 2005
Two weeks left of school and I just picked up another student. How i… -
Friday May 27, 2005
I actually got out of the house on my own tonight. I didn't do anyth… -
Thursday May 26, 2005
Read More -
Sunday May 22, 2005
multiple plans for this weekend smashed by sickness. seriously I feel… -
Sunday May 15, 2005
I just completed throwing a two day long bachelor party for the groom… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
I don't think of myself as a person who is normally angry. However,I… -
Monday Apr 25, 2005
One of the perks of tutoring high school students is being back on a … -
Saturday Apr 23, 2005
I just finished reading Starship Troopers by Heinlein, which was pret… -
Tuesday Apr 05, 2005
Yeah, so because I'm a giant dork, I had a LAN party the weekend befo…