I just completed throwing a two day long bachelor party for the groom. My voice is shot, I'm broke, I have a sleep deprivation headache, the whole house smells of bacon and the bride is quite upset with me. I think things went quite well.
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Friday Jun 03, 2005
Oh, and I watched the last episode of Enterprise tonight. I really s… -
Friday Jun 03, 2005
Two weeks left of school and I just picked up another student. How i… -
Friday May 27, 2005
I actually got out of the house on my own tonight. I didn't do anyth… -
Thursday May 26, 2005
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Sunday May 22, 2005
multiple plans for this weekend smashed by sickness. seriously I feel… -
Sunday May 15, 2005
I just completed throwing a two day long bachelor party for the groom… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
I don't think of myself as a person who is normally angry. However,I… -
Monday Apr 25, 2005
One of the perks of tutoring high school students is being back on a … -
Saturday Apr 23, 2005
I just finished reading Starship Troopers by Heinlein, which was pret… -
Tuesday Apr 05, 2005
Yeah, so because I'm a giant dork, I had a LAN party the weekend befo…