Got fitted for the tux today, a two hour ordeal. and it suddenly dawned on me that I really am going to have to give a speech. and holy crap. I think I might spend the next three months vomitting all over the place.
I know it's not pretty but wow, I don't know if I can do this.
Anyway, enough of that. Here are some pictures we took in NYC. Sadly, mos tof them turned out to be either uninteresting or of poor quality (something that having a digital camera is supposed to avoid).
We knew it was going to be a decent trip from the start. Check out our room number!
And this has to be the best chicken I've ever experienced. If you can make chicken like this, I'll marry you. I don't care if your a guy or a weirdo or anything like that. Really, our relationship will only be based on the chicken anyway so...
And there were these monks climbing the Empire State Building with us. But check it out. This one had some sort of digital camera. The other one had a cell phone.
Here's the best picture of me we got the entire trip. The creepiness that pours off it should say something about all the other pictures. Still, I think Claire caught some shady dealings in the background.
And finally, here's the coolest guy in the world. He's in the subway playing the drums (actually, a bunch of buckets, hubcaps, a sink and the inside barrel of a laundry dryer. This was taken just as the 'show' was breaking up.
Wish there were more, but that's really the best of them.
I know it's not pretty but wow, I don't know if I can do this.
Anyway, enough of that. Here are some pictures we took in NYC. Sadly, mos tof them turned out to be either uninteresting or of poor quality (something that having a digital camera is supposed to avoid).
We knew it was going to be a decent trip from the start. Check out our room number!

And this has to be the best chicken I've ever experienced. If you can make chicken like this, I'll marry you. I don't care if your a guy or a weirdo or anything like that. Really, our relationship will only be based on the chicken anyway so...

And there were these monks climbing the Empire State Building with us. But check it out. This one had some sort of digital camera. The other one had a cell phone.

Here's the best picture of me we got the entire trip. The creepiness that pours off it should say something about all the other pictures. Still, I think Claire caught some shady dealings in the background.

And finally, here's the coolest guy in the world. He's in the subway playing the drums (actually, a bunch of buckets, hubcaps, a sink and the inside barrel of a laundry dryer. This was taken just as the 'show' was breaking up.

Wish there were more, but that's really the best of them.
Good luck with the speech thing, omg. I could never do anything like that!