The garden is all done. It only took about two hours to plant. Here it is:

From the left

Purple ones on the left are petunias. The orange ones are Celosia. They're wrapped around that one in the back that hasn't bloomed yet. It's going to be a blue Salvia. To the right of that in the back is a yellow marigold.

From the right.

The little red ones are Red Vista Salvias. And that big, leafy one could be anything. I don't know. It was already in there and I didn't feel like pulling it up.
I got one compliment from a woman walking by. In a sing-songy voice she said, "pretty."
The upstairs neighbors just saw it. I didn't hear clearly what they said but Mary seemed possibly resentful that I got to the garden first. Maybe she was just saying nice things with her regular, unpleasant voice, though. Either way, it's a vast improvement. I should have taken before pictures because it was really a mess of thriving trees that shouldn't have been there, a dead tree that should have been there, ugly lawn ornaments and a sunken brick boarder.

From the left

Purple ones on the left are petunias. The orange ones are Celosia. They're wrapped around that one in the back that hasn't bloomed yet. It's going to be a blue Salvia. To the right of that in the back is a yellow marigold.

From the right.

The little red ones are Red Vista Salvias. And that big, leafy one could be anything. I don't know. It was already in there and I didn't feel like pulling it up.
I got one compliment from a woman walking by. In a sing-songy voice she said, "pretty."
The upstairs neighbors just saw it. I didn't hear clearly what they said but Mary seemed possibly resentful that I got to the garden first. Maybe she was just saying nice things with her regular, unpleasant voice, though. Either way, it's a vast improvement. I should have taken before pictures because it was really a mess of thriving trees that shouldn't have been there, a dead tree that should have been there, ugly lawn ornaments and a sunken brick boarder.
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner
ps: i'm gonna invite you to my new cottage so you can plant me a kick ass garden like that one.