I was taggued by @vehera to show 3 movies i've seen 545874257842356842 times.
Soooooooooo :
The Lord of the Rings
Obviously in my top 3. I really like heroic/fantasy atmosphere in movies, video games or RPG. In LotR, I love the images, the musics (OMG the musics), the dialogues.. EVERTHING IN IT. (Such as The Hobbit <3 <3)
Harry Potter
Every movie. 356988 times each. My favorite ? Maybe The Prisoner of Azkaban ? Or the Goblet of Fire ? Oh no, the Deathly Hallows ! Part 2 ! What a fight !
Aaaaaaand, last but not least :
With the talented Natalie Portman and the great Jean Reno (<3 <3 <3). I find him so charismatic.. And his voice ! I like everything in the Léon character.. His habits, outfit, glasses, job, behaviour.. The musics are sooo cool too.. And the end of the movie.. Cry every times <3
by the way, if i have a boy, i'll name him LEON (easier to have than Frodo..)
There you go !
Don't hesitate to tell me which are your movies !
My turn to tag people ! @darkelixironer @le_sonde_vie @hylia @popcorn @amour