How are you? 😊 I hope you are very well! I'm very excited to tell you that I'm going to start doing live drawing sessions.
I've already published my second life drawing, via streaming (Zoom) it's this Saturday the 5th. 🎉 It's € 10. Hope to see you there with your art !! :) If you are interested, you can check my website. Thank you very much ❤️ A big kiss and take care.🖍
20:00 PM 22:00 PM (SPAIN)
19:00 PM 21:00 PM (UK)
14:00PM 16:00 PM (NY)
11:00 AM 13:00 PM (L.A.)
Duration 2h approx
2 poses of 5 minutes
2 poses of 10 minutes
1 pose of 20 minutes
3 poses of 5 minutes
1 pose of 15 minutes
1 pose of 30 minutes
Once the payment is confirmed, the zoom link will be sent by email
Nude lifedrawing with big mirror (not explicit) 10€