tonight 1/11/2003
active, agitated, antsy, anxious, bustling, changeable, disturbed, edgy, fidgeting, fidgety, fitful, footloose, fretful, hurried, inconstant, intermittent, irresolute, itchy, jumpy, moving, nervous, nomadic, on edge, perturbed, restive, roving, sleepless, spasmodic, strung out, transient, troubled, turbulent, uneasy, unpeaceful, unquiet, unquiet, unrestful, unruly, unsettled, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, wandering, worried, bawl, bemoan, bewail, blub, blubber, boohoo, break down, complain, deplore, drip, grieve, howl, keen, lament, let go, mewl, moan, mourn, shed tears, shed tears, snivel, sob, squall, ululate, wail, whimper, afflict, aggrieve, agonize, ail, annoy, attack, be at, bedevil, beleaguer, beset, bite, bother, brood, bug, chafe, concern oneself, depress, despair, disquiet, distress, disturb, dun, feel uneasy, fret, gnaw at, go for, goad, harass, harry, hassle, have qualms, hector, importune, irritate, needle, oppress, persecute, perturb, pester, plague, stew, sweat out, take on, tantalize, tear, tease, test, torment, torture, trouble, try, unsettle, upset, vex, wince, writhe, wrong, apprehend, assume, await, await, bargain for, bargain on, be afraid, believe, calculate, conjecture, contemplate, count on, divine, envisage, feel, figure, forecast, foreknow, foresee, gather, hope, hope for, imagine, look, look for, predict, presume, presuppose, reckon, see coming, sense, suppose, surmise, suspect, take, think, trust, understand, wait for, anticipate, afraid, apprehensive, averse, backward, bashful, cautious, chary, circumspect, conscious, coy, demure, diffident, disinclined, distrustful, fearful, hesitant, humble, indisposed, introvert, introverted, loath, loner, modest, mousy, nervous, rabbity, recessive, reluctant, reserved, reticent, retiring, self-conscious, self-effacing, shamefaced, sheepish, shrinking, skittish, suspicious, timid, unassertive, unassured, uneager, uneffusive, unresponsive, unsocial, unwilling, wallflower, wary, agitated, annoyed, apprehensive, basket case, bothered, bothered, concerned, distressed, disturbed, edgy, excitable, fearful, afraid, fidgety, fitful, flustered, fussy, hesitant, high-strung, hysterical, irritable, jittery, jumpy, nervy, neurotic, on edge, overwrought, querulous, restive, ruffled, sensitive, shaky, shrinking, shy, skittish, snappish, solicitous, spooked, taut, tense, timid, timorous, troubled, twitchy, uneasy, unrestful, unstrung, upset, uptight, volatile, waspish, weak, wired, worried, abashed, apologetic, bashful, blushing, chagrined, compunctious, conscience-stricken, contrite, crestfallen, debased, demeaned, discomfited, discomfited, disconcerted, distraught, distressed, embarrassed, flustered, flustered, guilty, hesitant, humble, humbled, humiliated, meek, mortified, muddled, penitent, regretful, reluctant, remorseful, repentant, shamed, shamefaced, sheepish, shy, sorry, stammering, stuttering, submissive, apathetic, crawling, creeping, dawdling, delaying, deliberate, dilatory, disinclined, dreamy, drowsy, easy, gradual, heavy, idle, imperceptible, inactive, indolent, inert, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, lazy, leaden, leisurely, lethargic, listless, loitering, measured, moderate, negligent, passive, phlegmatic, plodding, ponderous, postponing, procrastinating, quiet, reluctant, remiss, slack, sleepy, slothful, slow-moving, sluggish, snaillike, stagnant, supine, tardy, torpid, absent, adrift, astray, at sea, cast away, disappeared, disoriented, forfeit, forfeited, gone, gone astray, hidden, invisible, irrecoverable, irretrievable, irrevocable, kiss goodbye, lacking, minus, mislaid, misplaced, missed, obscured, off-course, off-track, strayed, unredeemed, vanished, wandering, wayward, without, blah, bleary, blurred, caliginous, cloudy, dark, dingy, dreary, dull, dusk, dusky, faded, faint, flat, fuzzy, gloomy, gray, grey, indistinct, lackluster, lightless, mat, monotone, monotonous, murky, muted, obscured, opaque, overcast, pale, poorly lit, shadowy, sullied, tarnished, tenebrous, unclear, unilluminated, vague, weak, achievement, ambition, anticipation, aspiration, assumption, belief, bright side, buoyancy, concern, confidence, daydream, dependence, desire, dream, dream, endurance, expectancy, expectation, faith, fancy, fool's paradise, fortune, gain, goal, hopefulness, longing, optimism, pipe dream, promise, promised land, prospect, reliance, reverie, reward, rosiness, sanguineness, security, stock, utopia, wish
active, agitated, antsy, anxious, bustling, changeable, disturbed, edgy, fidgeting, fidgety, fitful, footloose, fretful, hurried, inconstant, intermittent, irresolute, itchy, jumpy, moving, nervous, nomadic, on edge, perturbed, restive, roving, sleepless, spasmodic, strung out, transient, troubled, turbulent, uneasy, unpeaceful, unquiet, unquiet, unrestful, unruly, unsettled, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, wandering, worried, bawl, bemoan, bewail, blub, blubber, boohoo, break down, complain, deplore, drip, grieve, howl, keen, lament, let go, mewl, moan, mourn, shed tears, shed tears, snivel, sob, squall, ululate, wail, whimper, afflict, aggrieve, agonize, ail, annoy, attack, be at, bedevil, beleaguer, beset, bite, bother, brood, bug, chafe, concern oneself, depress, despair, disquiet, distress, disturb, dun, feel uneasy, fret, gnaw at, go for, goad, harass, harry, hassle, have qualms, hector, importune, irritate, needle, oppress, persecute, perturb, pester, plague, stew, sweat out, take on, tantalize, tear, tease, test, torment, torture, trouble, try, unsettle, upset, vex, wince, writhe, wrong, apprehend, assume, await, await, bargain for, bargain on, be afraid, believe, calculate, conjecture, contemplate, count on, divine, envisage, feel, figure, forecast, foreknow, foresee, gather, hope, hope for, imagine, look, look for, predict, presume, presuppose, reckon, see coming, sense, suppose, surmise, suspect, take, think, trust, understand, wait for, anticipate, afraid, apprehensive, averse, backward, bashful, cautious, chary, circumspect, conscious, coy, demure, diffident, disinclined, distrustful, fearful, hesitant, humble, indisposed, introvert, introverted, loath, loner, modest, mousy, nervous, rabbity, recessive, reluctant, reserved, reticent, retiring, self-conscious, self-effacing, shamefaced, sheepish, shrinking, skittish, suspicious, timid, unassertive, unassured, uneager, uneffusive, unresponsive, unsocial, unwilling, wallflower, wary, agitated, annoyed, apprehensive, basket case, bothered, bothered, concerned, distressed, disturbed, edgy, excitable, fearful, afraid, fidgety, fitful, flustered, fussy, hesitant, high-strung, hysterical, irritable, jittery, jumpy, nervy, neurotic, on edge, overwrought, querulous, restive, ruffled, sensitive, shaky, shrinking, shy, skittish, snappish, solicitous, spooked, taut, tense, timid, timorous, troubled, twitchy, uneasy, unrestful, unstrung, upset, uptight, volatile, waspish, weak, wired, worried, abashed, apologetic, bashful, blushing, chagrined, compunctious, conscience-stricken, contrite, crestfallen, debased, demeaned, discomfited, discomfited, disconcerted, distraught, distressed, embarrassed, flustered, flustered, guilty, hesitant, humble, humbled, humiliated, meek, mortified, muddled, penitent, regretful, reluctant, remorseful, repentant, shamed, shamefaced, sheepish, shy, sorry, stammering, stuttering, submissive, apathetic, crawling, creeping, dawdling, delaying, deliberate, dilatory, disinclined, dreamy, drowsy, easy, gradual, heavy, idle, imperceptible, inactive, indolent, inert, lackadaisical, laggard, lagging, lazy, leaden, leisurely, lethargic, listless, loitering, measured, moderate, negligent, passive, phlegmatic, plodding, ponderous, postponing, procrastinating, quiet, reluctant, remiss, slack, sleepy, slothful, slow-moving, sluggish, snaillike, stagnant, supine, tardy, torpid, absent, adrift, astray, at sea, cast away, disappeared, disoriented, forfeit, forfeited, gone, gone astray, hidden, invisible, irrecoverable, irretrievable, irrevocable, kiss goodbye, lacking, minus, mislaid, misplaced, missed, obscured, off-course, off-track, strayed, unredeemed, vanished, wandering, wayward, without, blah, bleary, blurred, caliginous, cloudy, dark, dingy, dreary, dull, dusk, dusky, faded, faint, flat, fuzzy, gloomy, gray, grey, indistinct, lackluster, lightless, mat, monotone, monotonous, murky, muted, obscured, opaque, overcast, pale, poorly lit, shadowy, sullied, tarnished, tenebrous, unclear, unilluminated, vague, weak, achievement, ambition, anticipation, aspiration, assumption, belief, bright side, buoyancy, concern, confidence, daydream, dependence, desire, dream, dream, endurance, expectancy, expectation, faith, fancy, fool's paradise, fortune, gain, goal, hopefulness, longing, optimism, pipe dream, promise, promised land, prospect, reliance, reverie, reward, rosiness, sanguineness, security, stock, utopia, wish

that list you made looks like one i made when i was 16, on speed and wishing to conbey how shitty i felt. ha.