Hello everyone! Long time no blog!
I'm back from my holidays now... well I've been back for a while but I've been really busy so I haven't had time to check SG or update my blog... think of all the sexy ladies I've missed!
I think everyone should tell me their favourite set from the past few months and I shall have a looksie! 
Anyway here are some of the reasons I've been absent.
1) Been looking for a new place to live. Found something really lovely sharing with a few other people, I get my own room, own toilet and shower and no one really uses the kitchen either so I get to make lots of lovely meals for everyone!
I've met my housemates now too, they're amazing. Can't wait to move in! I've still got a lot of stuff to move over there but it's coming together slowly.
2) Been doing my pass plus. Today was my last lesson, it was dark outside and we had torrential rain! My instructor said I've done really well, especially my motorway driving.
3) Been driving my own car!
It's not a great car, an old renault megane... the gear box is fucked and the wipers don't work so at the moment it's just a fair weather car.
He's called Chokey because he chokes a lot when you drive him. 
4) I am poor and I need money. I'm selling all my stuff on ebay, check it out and help a poor girl out!
***Buy my things!***
5) Been trying to buy stuff I need for uni. I've been sent a massive list of supplies that totals a horrible 155, not including books and a new laptop and an external hardrive! I'm truly fucked, I can't afford half the stuff on that list let alone all the extras and the cost of living... can't wait for my student loan to come in so I can pay for all these expenses!
6) Been avoiding my life modelling audition. I'm meant to have done it back in early August... but I don't want to be naked for 3 hours without pay when I'm already working with clients from the website. Plus, it's in north London late at night: I can't afford to travel there, and I also don't want to travel home in the middle of the night.
7) Been struggling with my health. Food doesn't interest me, and if I do eat, I feel sick afterwards. I've lost a dress size. Maybe more. The other day I bought a size 4 dress.
I used to be 53kg and now I'm 48, it's happened so quickly I just don't know where it all went. And where my boobs went!
I mean, I like being skinny but I also like my boobs.
8) Been doing a lot of stuff with my hands. I'm crocheting a blanket!
I've made a footstool for my new room, decorated some pillows, painted some furniture... Also, I'm making earrings. I've made some for all my friends, I have lots of buttons and beads and both silver and gold jewellery supplies. So if anyone would like to buy a pair of earrings from me, let me know what you want and I'll make them and send them off to you. Prices vary depending on what you want.
If people are interested, I'll start making them for sale on ebay too. 
9) I was in a car crash. This isn't really a reason for me not being here, it's more of an interesting story.
A friend of mine was helping me deliver a wardrobe I'd bought on ebay to my new house. We picked it up from Reading, strapped the massive old thing onto the roof rack, and headed off towards kingston (it's about 40 miles). It was rush hour, and to cut a long story short, the car in front breaked suddenly and because of the extra weight on our car, the breaks weren't working so well and we went straight into the back of him at about 20 mph. Really luckily, nothing at all happened to the car we hit and the guy was really cool about it and said he wouldn't claim. Less luckily, my friends car is about 2 inches shorter and the hood doesn't close. The front of the car is barely hanging on and I feel really guilty cause it was my damn wardrobe that caused the accident.
(Although, it's really bloody lucky the whole wardrobe didn't slide off the roof and crash either onto our windscreen or fly onto the car we hit
) I guess it doesn't sound like that much of a funny story but the way my friend was talking about it just an hour later made it sound more like a day at thorpe park than a car crash.
Ooh and I got my braces off! Here's me being happy with now braces. My top teeth still need some work but I've got an invisible brace on them (it's like a retainer that I wear all the time... well I'm meant to anyway haha). So maybe in another 6 months I'll have perfect teeth.

Anyway that's about all that's been going on with me. Here's a picture of me on the day I met my housemates. They're well cool.

Lots of loves! I miss you all, please let me know how you are.
I'm back from my holidays now... well I've been back for a while but I've been really busy so I haven't had time to check SG or update my blog... think of all the sexy ladies I've missed!

Anyway here are some of the reasons I've been absent.
1) Been looking for a new place to live. Found something really lovely sharing with a few other people, I get my own room, own toilet and shower and no one really uses the kitchen either so I get to make lots of lovely meals for everyone!

2) Been doing my pass plus. Today was my last lesson, it was dark outside and we had torrential rain! My instructor said I've done really well, especially my motorway driving.

3) Been driving my own car!

4) I am poor and I need money. I'm selling all my stuff on ebay, check it out and help a poor girl out!
***Buy my things!***
5) Been trying to buy stuff I need for uni. I've been sent a massive list of supplies that totals a horrible 155, not including books and a new laptop and an external hardrive! I'm truly fucked, I can't afford half the stuff on that list let alone all the extras and the cost of living... can't wait for my student loan to come in so I can pay for all these expenses!
6) Been avoiding my life modelling audition. I'm meant to have done it back in early August... but I don't want to be naked for 3 hours without pay when I'm already working with clients from the website. Plus, it's in north London late at night: I can't afford to travel there, and I also don't want to travel home in the middle of the night.
7) Been struggling with my health. Food doesn't interest me, and if I do eat, I feel sick afterwards. I've lost a dress size. Maybe more. The other day I bought a size 4 dress.

8) Been doing a lot of stuff with my hands. I'm crocheting a blanket!

9) I was in a car crash. This isn't really a reason for me not being here, it's more of an interesting story.

Ooh and I got my braces off! Here's me being happy with now braces. My top teeth still need some work but I've got an invisible brace on them (it's like a retainer that I wear all the time... well I'm meant to anyway haha). So maybe in another 6 months I'll have perfect teeth.

Anyway that's about all that's been going on with me. Here's a picture of me on the day I met my housemates. They're well cool.

Lots of loves! I miss you all, please let me know how you are.

I hope you're having a good weekend