So...what have I been up to lately?
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Well, as you know I got a new laptop...this is where you'll find me most days
Autumn is here. For the first time in so many years, I can feel it really is autumn. I'm loving it.
So with the cooler weather, I now have my crock pot out everyday with soup, stew or chili in it.
Today it has lentil soup in it. Yummy!
I had a huge eggplant in the frig that needed to be cooked, so I decided to make my infamous Eggplant Italiano. The double mushroom inspired me to take a picture of some of the ingredients waiting to fulfill their culinary destiny.
Sitting around in front of the computer and cooking incredible vegan food has really put some weight on me so I bought myself a cool new digital scale. It even measures your BMI. Not that I have a clue how yet.
I keep it in the kitchen to remind myself just how fat my ass has gotten 
So it's a good thing I finally fixed the tire on my bike and put on the wonderful new basket I bought months ago.
The coolest thing about the basket is that it has a release button so I can take it off and bring it in the store with me when I go shopping.
Oh and I've acquired a new obsession.
Mind you, in theory I've always been fond of a nice pair of shoes, but usually I'm the type that will buy a few pairs of useful and comfortable shoes and wear them until they fall apart. But these...
sexy bitches have opened my eyes to a whole new level of obsession. Oh and yeah, I don't put them on to walk in them.
After 5 years of being on a waiting list, I finally got to become a member of Nielsen Homescan.
I will be scanning all my purchases weekly. It seems an odd choice for me since I tend to love my privacy and keep it as sacred as possible but my reason for signing up all those years ago is so I can hopefully make a bit of a difference when it comes to stores supplying more vegan options.
Of course I've had it for a week now and have yet to even finish reading about how to use it.
I no longer own my own home for the first time in over 16 years. It's liberating but weird for me so I bought something to remind me that one day I will want to have a home of my own again.
It will one day be on the door to my bedroom of my very own home. Maybe I'll keep buying it piece by vintage piece.
Halloween is just over a month away. I plan on turning this box into a toe pincer coffin. Really, I will.
Even though the weather is getting cooler and the leaves are starting to fall, there's still a patch of color in the yard.
So I couldn't resist snapping a picture today.
Well if you read through all of that I truly appreciate it. If you just looked at the pictures that's ok too!