okay. so i really am back on SG. so - i thought it'd be time to do a proper update and blog. okay, i am trying to see where i was last. got an amazing job offer at an "ivy" league uni - good pay, excellent benefits, and looks pretty damn good on my resume. so - i took the position and am coming up on six months working there in october. completely not what i expected. my devil doesn't wear prada but tortures me nonetheless...it's a high stress position with high maintenance people and egos...so - not quite loving the job...but, i do like making fun of the people i work with - and I love torturing the students. i can't help it - the lot i have been dealing with are pretentious and snotty....example:
Me, sitting in office....
pimply, scrawny, grad asst. comes in....
me (why the hell are you here???) - hi.
him: hey what's up?
(insert meaningless banter from him for the next ten minutes)
me: um....i work for a living you know. aren't there girls in your lab to talk to when you're bored???
There will also be adult language and scary stories, with occasional mental violence when discussing my new boss. For now, she is just "ET" (yes, that's right Evil Twat)....so now, when I need to know if it's safe to leave my office, I usually ask if ET has gone home....It's that bad...the lab assistant I hired 3 months ago came in to tell me she may need some time off for mental health reasons. the stress of my boss (who is in turn, her boss) is too much. her therapist will be sending me a note...
So - that's work life. Home, have nice new apartment YAY! I did a total IKEA shopping spree and love what I got. Now if I could ever learn how to clean and organize, it would be even better...BUt - I have major perks, the biggest being a washer AND dryer (which I proudly purchased!) It was so cool moving in - I have always had hand-me-down furniture, goodwill $ 25 couches and while I will still have those things because they don't bother me, I really loved being able to have new things and have them delivered. I felt so like an adult!!!! And - I was such a rebel when I first moved in - I started using bathroom towels only once before washing them...(oooo - such a rebel)...We always had to go to the laundromat as a kid, so we always had to use the same towel, hang it to dry for 3 - 4 days....IAnd I have always had to do that as an adult, so it was wicked cool to break that rule! Yes - it's the simple parts of life that I love. But, my whole being a sucky housekeeper has kicked in so I re-use and hang the towel so I don't have to do as much laundry...
BUT - anyone wanting to come hang out in the Boston area and Providence, I totally have space to put people up so come visit! (please)???I am kind of lonely since moving though - I don't have any friends here and it is so hard to make them. I'm too old for the Uni crowd (plus - I'd have to hit people and make fun of them and that would be mean - I have little tolerance for pretentious rich kids...) And - I don't fit into the adult crowd here...so - that part has been hard for me.
Still dating Joe the BSBT (eeee!) I aboslutely adore him! He is fun, sweet, and really likes me. He likes my small human, my small human likes him, and the whole situation makes me really happy....Plus - he knows I am a secret girl (yes, that means pink, cuddling, cute things, (like pink smoky kitty), HELLO KITTY, shiney silliness and bad 80's music) and he still likes me...He's listened to my good days, bad days, crying, a few fights thrown in between us as well - what about - I'm not even sure....so - I am completely smitten with him (still)....
so that is my life these days...How is everyone else???
Me, sitting in office....
pimply, scrawny, grad asst. comes in....
me (why the hell are you here???) - hi.
him: hey what's up?
(insert meaningless banter from him for the next ten minutes)
me: um....i work for a living you know. aren't there girls in your lab to talk to when you're bored???
There will also be adult language and scary stories, with occasional mental violence when discussing my new boss. For now, she is just "ET" (yes, that's right Evil Twat)....so now, when I need to know if it's safe to leave my office, I usually ask if ET has gone home....It's that bad...the lab assistant I hired 3 months ago came in to tell me she may need some time off for mental health reasons. the stress of my boss (who is in turn, her boss) is too much. her therapist will be sending me a note...
So - that's work life. Home, have nice new apartment YAY! I did a total IKEA shopping spree and love what I got. Now if I could ever learn how to clean and organize, it would be even better...BUt - I have major perks, the biggest being a washer AND dryer (which I proudly purchased!) It was so cool moving in - I have always had hand-me-down furniture, goodwill $ 25 couches and while I will still have those things because they don't bother me, I really loved being able to have new things and have them delivered. I felt so like an adult!!!! And - I was such a rebel when I first moved in - I started using bathroom towels only once before washing them...(oooo - such a rebel)...We always had to go to the laundromat as a kid, so we always had to use the same towel, hang it to dry for 3 - 4 days....IAnd I have always had to do that as an adult, so it was wicked cool to break that rule! Yes - it's the simple parts of life that I love. But, my whole being a sucky housekeeper has kicked in so I re-use and hang the towel so I don't have to do as much laundry...
BUT - anyone wanting to come hang out in the Boston area and Providence, I totally have space to put people up so come visit! (please)???I am kind of lonely since moving though - I don't have any friends here and it is so hard to make them. I'm too old for the Uni crowd (plus - I'd have to hit people and make fun of them and that would be mean - I have little tolerance for pretentious rich kids...) And - I don't fit into the adult crowd here...so - that part has been hard for me.
Still dating Joe the BSBT (eeee!) I aboslutely adore him! He is fun, sweet, and really likes me. He likes my small human, my small human likes him, and the whole situation makes me really happy....Plus - he knows I am a secret girl (yes, that means pink, cuddling, cute things, (like pink smoky kitty), HELLO KITTY, shiney silliness and bad 80's music) and he still likes me...He's listened to my good days, bad days, crying, a few fights thrown in between us as well - what about - I'm not even sure....so - I am completely smitten with him (still)....

Damn - a friend I've had since around 1977 or 78 recently sold his restaurant in Providence and moved away, otherwise I'd try to get him to introduce you guys to hi friends. He and I more or less figured out the guitar thing together, or at least in chronological unison. We'd play Zep's Over The Hills & Far Away, the Dead's Friend of the Devil and an acoustified Van Halen's Eruption in the hallways at our Alma Mater. Also Love The One You're With and a couple others I've since forgotten.
Nice memories, mostly, tempered, as are most School Daze things, with some embarassment.
Paul's a great guy, though, and a fantastic chef.
Anyway, 'Nuff rambling. I'm composing a Suite with a theme based upon Mary King's Close, which is a Forgotten City beneath Edinburgh, Scotland, that was built over with new buildings and was just rediscovered after WWII bombings uncovered it and there are haunted chambers that had been sealed up ceturies ago during the Bubonic Plague with dying victims in them to try to keep the disease contained. One chamber had just a little girl, Annie, who was left alone in a sealed chamber with only a doll to comfort her as she died a horrible Death. It's the custom now for visitors to leave a toy for her Ghost.
Anyway, "A Toy For Annie" is just one movement I've nearly completed in the Suite, tentatively entitled "Mary King's Close," and the opening segment will likely be called "Mary King's Open."
It'll take some time and I have to locate a bagpipes playeer, as I intend to compose a part designed for just that.
Well, gotta go up the street and play a couple songs at a Johnny Cash tribute at Bogart's Smoke Shop & Lounge. It's pretty impromptu, as we just realized from Cassiel that it' the 4-yr anniversary of his Passing.