hi. i'm back. wow - it has been soooo long! all is going well - i am at the boy's house using his computer (dial-up - wicked grrrrrr....) anyway - i will have an actual internet connection at home (end of the month) and i will catch up with people then...it is really good to be back...and i know i won't get a chance to comment to people today - internet too slow.....but AND i won't be able to log in until the end of the week - (crazy week coming up - but good crazy and they flag internet sites where i am working - like SG and i kind of sort of want to keep my job) anyway i am rambling all about me - when i really want to know how other people are!!!!
as for me, uni. and other associated stresses and grief have kept me busy. but outwith that, life's not too bad I guess. although I've been a rubbish internet friend for not being in touch* more.
* - this is, in fact a blatant fib. I've not been in touch at all, which makes me a bit rubbish.