my sister had her exploratory surgery today to see if the cancer spread to her lymphnodes..the doctor said it looks as though it didn't - which is so good to know! They have to run the rest of the tests - but it looks as though she will be okay to have the mastectomy and reconstruction - this month...She is glowing green from the radioactive stuff they put in you...As she said "this is just like me, green the day AFTER I was supposed to wear a costume"
I also finished the confrerence event from hell today! It all went well - except for the people that showed up that DIDN'T register - therefore throwing my carefully planned groups into disarray...Then - of course - it's never thier fault...
ME: (you so didn't fucking register - I am too compulsive to have missed your name. Why did you even bother showing up?? to fuck up my day? because it's starting to work) There must be some kind of mistake, let me pull up the registration database and see what happened. Can I have your confirmation number?
Unregistered asshole, idiot or bitch: "oh, maybe I didn't actually register..."
ME: (sings to self I AM RIGHT, YOU ARE WRONG, SO WRONG, SO WRONGI) Oh, I can double check if you are sure, I mean mistakes do happen...
Unregistered asshole, bitch, and/or idiot: "Oh I wouldn't want to trouble you, maybe I only thought I had registered"
ME: (WTF???Are you really that stupid??? You already troubled me - doesn't it suck to get caught lying - especially at YOUR age??) Oh - okay...Here's a nametag - write your name and register for your workshops....
And I of course, ruined the "pins"...We have a new initiative within the DSS system and it's called "working with familiies right from the start" - the pins they gave out all said "ASK ME ABOUT WWFRFTS" - So I was walking past one of the planning committee members and said - you know, if we get rid of the end they can just say "WWF" - and we can change it to "well, what the fuck"....To which I got "you ruined my pin for me..."
I had to make team building exercises, so here is my goofy ass poem for why we made people do the stupid exercise:
"It's the burning man
Or have they moved my cheese?
All I know is I need answers, please
Words and phrases
Designed to solve it all
When what I need
Is someone to call
Someone with an answer
A solution or guide
Whose method is true
Practiced and Tried
My question is burning
The solution in doubt
Your number and suggestion
May put the fires out!
Unfortunately - no one seemed to pick up on any of the sarcasm...
But as indicated earlier - I didn't get the brightest bunch today.....

I also finished the confrerence event from hell today! It all went well - except for the people that showed up that DIDN'T register - therefore throwing my carefully planned groups into disarray...Then - of course - it's never thier fault...
ME: (you so didn't fucking register - I am too compulsive to have missed your name. Why did you even bother showing up?? to fuck up my day? because it's starting to work) There must be some kind of mistake, let me pull up the registration database and see what happened. Can I have your confirmation number?
Unregistered asshole, idiot or bitch: "oh, maybe I didn't actually register..."
ME: (sings to self I AM RIGHT, YOU ARE WRONG, SO WRONG, SO WRONGI) Oh, I can double check if you are sure, I mean mistakes do happen...
Unregistered asshole, bitch, and/or idiot: "Oh I wouldn't want to trouble you, maybe I only thought I had registered"
ME: (WTF???Are you really that stupid??? You already troubled me - doesn't it suck to get caught lying - especially at YOUR age??) Oh - okay...Here's a nametag - write your name and register for your workshops....
And I of course, ruined the "pins"...We have a new initiative within the DSS system and it's called "working with familiies right from the start" - the pins they gave out all said "ASK ME ABOUT WWFRFTS" - So I was walking past one of the planning committee members and said - you know, if we get rid of the end they can just say "WWF" - and we can change it to "well, what the fuck"....To which I got "you ruined my pin for me..."
I had to make team building exercises, so here is my goofy ass poem for why we made people do the stupid exercise:
"It's the burning man
Or have they moved my cheese?
All I know is I need answers, please
Words and phrases
Designed to solve it all
When what I need
Is someone to call
Someone with an answer
A solution or guide
Whose method is true
Practiced and Tried
My question is burning
The solution in doubt
Your number and suggestion
May put the fires out!
Unfortunately - no one seemed to pick up on any of the sarcasm...

Though i realize she's got a long haul ahead of her with even more surgery.
I think your "Goofy ass" poem is actually quite clever,
then again....
i usually get Sarcasm
so... when is the next date with the new guy?