I have had an absolute shite day at work! I have decided that if someone is unemployable in the real world, they decide to work in higher education. Then these unemployable people get wonderful titles and salaries. Now, not having any practical experience in anything - they decide that they will get involved on projects, grants, and all kinds of fun stuff that people that can actually manage thinking and working simultaneously work on - and they decide to FUCK things up. How do they do this?
a. asking stupid fucking questions
b. not paying attention to what a fucking grant actually requires and specifies in order for the institution to get the grant.
c. Because they didn't pay attention - they make unilateral decisions - without informing the appropriate people of said stupid, wrong, ill-informed decisions.
d. after making decisions - then they decide to ask ME stupid fucking questions about why said decision should not have been made.
and last but not least:
e. They breathe
That's the list for the moment...I truly, truly, truly hate my job. Which is really funny as I don't have my old job - I have my new job. My new job doesn't deal with these fuckwits - however, because they can find me on the fucking campus - I am still involved!!! The worst part is - I am a completely fucking compulsive personality at work. So what this translates to is that I will continue to deal with shite - then I will bitch about it. I will suck it up and grow up and deal - but right now - I am throwing a temper tantrum!
Oh - and to make things worse - my hair is so fucking process damaged that it is breaking! So I now have a patch of 1/4" hair on the top of my head which I have to spend twenty minutes a day hiding! And gas is too expensive! My ex-husband is a fuck-wit! My face decided to pick today to break out as well! No - I don't have PMS - I'm just really, really, evil and bitchy and all that fucking rot.
a. asking stupid fucking questions
b. not paying attention to what a fucking grant actually requires and specifies in order for the institution to get the grant.
c. Because they didn't pay attention - they make unilateral decisions - without informing the appropriate people of said stupid, wrong, ill-informed decisions.
d. after making decisions - then they decide to ask ME stupid fucking questions about why said decision should not have been made.
and last but not least:
e. They breathe
That's the list for the moment...I truly, truly, truly hate my job. Which is really funny as I don't have my old job - I have my new job. My new job doesn't deal with these fuckwits - however, because they can find me on the fucking campus - I am still involved!!! The worst part is - I am a completely fucking compulsive personality at work. So what this translates to is that I will continue to deal with shite - then I will bitch about it. I will suck it up and grow up and deal - but right now - I am throwing a temper tantrum!

Oh - and to make things worse - my hair is so fucking process damaged that it is breaking! So I now have a patch of 1/4" hair on the top of my head which I have to spend twenty minutes a day hiding! And gas is too expensive! My ex-husband is a fuck-wit! My face decided to pick today to break out as well! No - I don't have PMS - I'm just really, really, evil and bitchy and all that fucking rot.
And I'm off today!
Hope today goes better for you!