wow - incredibly good day. FINALLY hooked up with my artist..he's seeing me on i got to hang out with him, visit, watch my son kick his ass in video games, and he cooked dinner for my son...
i am so lucky when i see some of the friends i have...of course, i was a shop regular when he worked near me - not even for ink and piercings - just for good company. but like some shops - there was some intense drama and now he's no longer there... so losing him there wasn't about tats - more about losing one of my best friends...but he now has set up shop in his basement - full set up - autoclave, etc., and we are set for some chair time......i am so, so, so very happy!!!!
plus, big non-smoking milestone - he smokes, as do his housemates, etc. i resisted and thought i smelled kind of icky when i left...not in the militant reformed smoker way - just more surprised that i noticed...of course, second hand smoking made me quite, for day six of not smoking - i have made it so far....
thanks to people who have also commented and emailed (sconchy big kisses) - it is very cool to feel "welcomed"
i am thinking i may submit a set - after seeing rod's new shop set up, it may make for some cool there an age that's too old to be an SG?
i am so lucky when i see some of the friends i have...of course, i was a shop regular when he worked near me - not even for ink and piercings - just for good company. but like some shops - there was some intense drama and now he's no longer there... so losing him there wasn't about tats - more about losing one of my best friends...but he now has set up shop in his basement - full set up - autoclave, etc., and we are set for some chair time......i am so, so, so very happy!!!!
plus, big non-smoking milestone - he smokes, as do his housemates, etc. i resisted and thought i smelled kind of icky when i left...not in the militant reformed smoker way - just more surprised that i noticed...of course, second hand smoking made me quite, for day six of not smoking - i have made it so far....
thanks to people who have also commented and emailed (sconchy big kisses) - it is very cool to feel "welcomed"
i am thinking i may submit a set - after seeing rod's new shop set up, it may make for some cool there an age that's too old to be an SG?
Not sure whats going on with my masn spaces thing. Me again I reckon...