so many good things...
- started a garden in the front yard. snap dragons everywhere!
- doing yoga with dan... only laughing when he can't do a move.
- picked up the Peugeot from my dad's. it used to belong to my favorite aunt back in the seventies. lots of bike rides this summer.
- hanging out with some really cool people.
- was awarded a grant which covers my summer classes... and a vacation. going camping next week
i just need to find some good acid.
- started a garden in the front yard. snap dragons everywhere!
- doing yoga with dan... only laughing when he can't do a move.
- picked up the Peugeot from my dad's. it used to belong to my favorite aunt back in the seventies. lots of bike rides this summer.
- hanging out with some really cool people.
- was awarded a grant which covers my summer classes... and a vacation. going camping next week

i just need to find some good acid.
