school is over for the summer. i only work weekends and i'm playing guitar lots, hanging out with friends, having some good beach days, so life is pretty awesome... but i've been feeling a little uneasy. it will pass. it's probably hormonal. it could also be too much coffee. either way i need to find a way to stay calm and centered. i think laying off pot will help. i wanted to quit completely but it has proven to be very difficult when everyone around me smokes. its my thing though.. i can't wait for everyone eles to quit. its strange how the one thing i thought relaxed me is now what makes me the most anxious. it's not all pot's fault however... i think anxiety can come with age. i've been seeing my life in a much different light these past few years. i see my past as a catalyst for the personality triats i wish to shed. this is a hard time. there are things i need to just except and others which need altering and its fucking hard to know the difference between the two.
Although I've always used pot for medicinal use (mostly; I'm an insomniac and get panic attacks easily), I've never felt I've had too much of it and for the most part it has actually helped me but I've had to quit for work and since then I've found my life much much more mundane !