the semester is over... at last. no school for almost a month then i have two classes for half the summer. it should be pretty easy. i can't believe i'll have half the summer off. i'll be busy though... working on my final project for next year. i've decided to create cook books for people who suffer from lupus, crones, or schizophrenia since diet can play a major role in dealing with the various symptoms each of these illnesses carry. it will take major research but i'm looking forward to it since i have lupus and people close to me live with one of the other two illnesses. last winter i had a major flare up and it was pretty scary but i found it comforting to educate myself about the food i could eat to help my situation. it was so nice to be able to control something and know that what i was eating was making a difference. so yeah. that's my big project for next year. this summer i'll be cooking up amazing food and testing it on friends, photographing my creations, and getting prepared for my final year at school.
five years, including summers... it's amazing that i've come this far. i never thought i would get my degree.
i was a stripper for eight years and never thought about my future. i would spend my days smoking pot and taking pictures of myself....
now i'm in love with illustrating and painting, live in a "home" that i CLEAN (how did this happen?) and share my life with an amazing man who is so supportive.
ahhhh, happy rant.
five years, including summers... it's amazing that i've come this far. i never thought i would get my degree.
i was a stripper for eight years and never thought about my future. i would spend my days smoking pot and taking pictures of myself....
now i'm in love with illustrating and painting, live in a "home" that i CLEAN (how did this happen?) and share my life with an amazing man who is so supportive.
ahhhh, happy rant.

And is it not amazing what love can do for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, congrats on almost being done with school. Its so weird to actually be done, though I am going back for my Masters here in a month or so. Then I get to go through the "It's almost over!" thing all again. Really surreal experience. I realized I was institutionalized the first month or so. I forgot what it was like to have the ability to do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I'm sure gonna miss that.
It's only two years. It's only two years. It's only two years. It's only . . .