I am back from my European Adventure.
London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Munich, Venice, Rome, Florence, Lucerne, Paris!!
Paris was my favourite! Read on to find out why!
Giant picture blog commence:
London was amazing, Russell Square which was right by our hotel had so many adorable little squirrels.
I fell in love with them. I want one as a pet.
Oh thas awesome! Congratulations on your engagement you two
Sucked to hear that Prague was no fun though, since there really are some good things to see. Also in Berlin, they have the best STASI prison, and the history there is great, yet very creepy.
Hello Lovers,
I'm back from my European Adventures!
Picture blog update and details to come in the coming days, cbf right now, still so sleepy.
Damn jetlag!
It would be nice to do for more than one day. Jury duty here pays 6 bucks for the first day and like 25 or so for each day thereafter, Just want to be able to get out of the house for awhile,
So I wrote this epic blog the other night in relation to 'Day Five' of the blog challenge thingy. However, the internets deemed it not epic enough and made it disappear.
Here is my attempt at re-creating said blog, although it is impossible to recapture any of the emotion, I will try my best:
1. Hot drinks! I cannot drink them for fear of burning myself, I'll bring it up to my lips and go to take a sip, freak out and not go trhough with it.
I've been told by a few people that even if I was to burn myself, it wouldn't actually be that bad anyway, but... Read More
1. Customers in general.
2. Let me be more specific: Customers waiting outside ten minutes before you open banging on the window/door, yelling at you only to have you tell them "We'll be open in 10 minutes", to have them huff and stand there staring at you until you are actually open.... Read More
1. Sleep in until the very last minute, like if I have to be at work by 9.30am, I won't get out of bed until 8.50am. Hehe Lazy!
2. Watch TV, be it a movie or a tv show. It is kind of sad... Read More
I'm kind of bored.
I'm going to do one of those tumblr blog challenge thingys.
Although Ill be doing it on here because I dont have a tumblr.
Mostly to entertain me but also so you guys can learn a little more about me too.
I was going to comment and say 'oh how wonderful,tasmania,such beautiful unspoilt scenery etc etc." but then thought your probably sick of hearing all that kind of stuff .
Well im an old tree hugging greenie so im sure id like the scenery and wildlife.But if your after a happening night life and quality punk rock it would be lacking.And that would drive me a tad mad.
Halloween is over and done with for another year.
I had a tremendous time with my favourites Lillian and Trent.
My other lovelies however did not attend due to the previous evenings happenings.
More on that as it unfolds though.
We drank lots and were merry. Sounds like Christmas with all the merryment and cheer?
(Speaking of which, I can't wait! I... Read More
Sucked to hear that Prague was no fun though, since there really are some good things to see. Also in Berlin, they have the best STASI prison, and the history there is great, yet very creepy.
And we should have gone for drinks in Amsterdam