So I thought I'd start doing the blog homework set for SGs and Hopefuls, I know I'm not a Hopeful yet but I plan/hope to be soon and since there's a heap of really good topics I figured why not go back through and do a few of them? It's a bit of fun! I thought "10 Random Facts About Me" would be the best to start on.
1. I'm a crazy cat lady. I love them, if I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd probably live in a house with twenty cats though I'm pretty sure he'd be okay with this anyway.

2. I'm obsessed with beards. They are the single sexiest thing about the opposite sex. Unf! I even have a bearded man tattooed on my thigh and plan to get at least one more bearded man tattoo.
3. I'm a bit of a Sci Fi Geek. Star Trek and Doctor Who are my absolute favourites! I also love Star Wars. I have the Enterprise tattooed on my thigh and plan to get many more Sci Fi themed tattoos.

4. I have a phobia of hot drinks. I can't drink them. Not just hot drinks, hot liquids to be more specific. Can't eat soup or drink coffee. I can't even bring them to my lips without freaking out that I will burn myself. I don't know if this stems from being burnt as a child or something, I have no memory of it happening but yeah it's pretty weird.
5. I wish Vulcans were real and I wish more than anything that I were one. A few years ago I used to be governed far too much by emotions but I chose to embrace logic and am essentially much happier. Vulcan life.
6. Last year one of my favourite punk bands from when I was a teen played at my local pub and I got to hang out and drink beers with them. May or may not have slept with the singer. Needless to say my inner fifteen year old was pretty happy. I won't say who because they're kind of famous.
7. I can speak a little German. Very basic phrases and stuff. I plan to learn it fluently and move there one day. Germany is the most beautiful place I've ever been.
8. I love dyeing my hair. Since I quit my job three months ago, I've dyed it about five different colours. Most of them haven't turned out the colour I've wanted though.
9. I really want to get Dahlia or cheek piercings. I'm leaning more towards dahlia because I think they'd suit me better. If I get a job where piercings aren't a problem, this will be the first thing I'll do.
10. I'm moving to Melbourne, Victoria. I've lived in Hobart, Tasmania since I was born and I don't hate it so much as I'm bored of it. Melbourne has more culture and there's always something to do.
Tell me a random fact about yourself!
@dreadangel they bother me too but I have no talent to fix them haha! @legman indeed it does! I have all three seasons on bluray, fun story when I bought them I ordered about $500 worth of Star Trek stuff and they stuffed up and only charged me for the DVDs! Free trek things are the best!
fixing things is easy well for me it is, take apart a lot of broken things that cant be fixed to get used to useing tools and such that way you wont break something usefull while you are learning ps huge treky