I had to work at 3am last night/this morning. I haven't really slept since or before for that matter. I'm so tired but I just can't sleep!
I have a job interview tomorrow. It's not a job I'm overly excited about for a few reasons. Mostly because it will put my plan to move to Melbourne on halt. I'll be stuck in Tasmania for another six months as it's a six month contract. But it would give me a chance to get a better reference and I could most likely transfer to Melbourne after the six months is over. But I'm not sure if I'm willing to stay in Tasmania for another six months when I could potentially be working in Melbourne much sooner. There is always the chance that at the end of the six months I still haven't got a job in Melbourne and I should have just taken this job. I'm not really sure what I will do if I am offered the job at this stage. It's all a bit much to process, especially on this little sleep. Blah. Any advice on what I should do?