In other news, I got my roses finished, about three weeks ago now.
And my Robert Smith tattoo transformed into a sugar skull with a rose. His face was all kinds of wrong and it made me a sad panda.
Halloween was pretty standard, drinks at a friend's place. I was Marilyn Monroe. Only have a few face pictures:
Look how different I look without my glasses! I really wish I could wear contacts, my eyes are too small for me to physically put them in myself. I will totes be getting laser surgery one day methinks because I am way hotter without glasses. Always modest. :3 ...Although I havent tried to put contacts in since I was 17, so perhaps I will get a trial and attempt it again. But I needs the funds for that first. Poor Boston is poor. :/ More awesome glasses-less photographs.
Recent pictures, note mostly of me. When I'm bored, I take pictures, deal with it. :p
Love, Love, Love!
That's definitely a good way to be!
Okay you're right on that one, even if it is unpatriotic! I love exotic accents, Chilean for example... MM soo hot. Sort of on that topic, I used to work with my mate's little brother (only by a year)- and he studies Italian. He practiced his Italian speech one shift and I was very disturbed by how attractive that made him hahaha
I AM SO SO EXCITED FOR PART 2 ON DVD. I've already stolen some of our posters haha. I'm not working the day it comes out, but I'm going to pop in under the ruse of meeting one of the new staffers... And while I'm there, I might as well get a movie, right... Mwahaha.
I've been downloading Full House and watching it constantly, leaving my laptop on all day and all night. Its definitely an addiction! Its hell to download so I'll post you a dvd with the seasons you don't have if you like? Or do you like to have it in physical form?
I fear when we meet, we're just going to be holed up in front of a TV for days on end! I'm cool with that, though. You like pizza and Doritos right? We can live off of that.
I freaking love HIMYM. Have you seen the latest ones? Its getting so serious, I've been shedding tears instead of eyes watering from laughter.
AND I'm loving New Girl (are we TV show twinsies or what?) but I'm nowhere near as cool as Jess! That's so sweet of you to say though
Hope you're well lady, and not too cold. Summer is evasive this year.