Oh man I am so hungover!
I went to Flamingos last night, it's a gay bar.
Let me tell you something, if every bar had a stripper pole, I'd be out every fucking night.
I never fucking dance, but give me a stripper pole and it is on!
I'm very much considering lessons in pole dancing.
It's supposedly a good way to lose weight also, so it's win win!
If anyone wants to donate a stripper pole to me for my lounge room, I would be a very happy lady.
'Twas a good night though, and even in my very hungover state I still managed to clean the entire house before sitting on my lazy ass and watching crappy tv.
Ooooh and I have new hair, no pictures yet though because my camera is being a silly billy. Soon though promise.
How was everyone elses weekends?
EDIT: New Hair
I went to Flamingos last night, it's a gay bar.
Let me tell you something, if every bar had a stripper pole, I'd be out every fucking night.
I never fucking dance, but give me a stripper pole and it is on!
I'm very much considering lessons in pole dancing.
It's supposedly a good way to lose weight also, so it's win win!
If anyone wants to donate a stripper pole to me for my lounge room, I would be a very happy lady.
'Twas a good night though, and even in my very hungover state I still managed to clean the entire house before sitting on my lazy ass and watching crappy tv.
Ooooh and I have new hair, no pictures yet though because my camera is being a silly billy. Soon though promise.
How was everyone elses weekends?
EDIT: New Hair
Make sure you keep me up to date with your ever-changing hair, I'm intrigued to see.
Coffee hasn't happened yet, but yeah I hope it goes well too, thanks. I'm going to feel so retearded, I have no idea what to do.