Well, hello there. Fancy meeting you here. Been a long time, eh?
Well, I lost my job. As I was in insurance sales, this is rather a good thing. I make lots of jewelry and websites now. Definitely a good thing. My feet are cold = baaaaad. I'm learning to play the violin - FUN! I had a jewelry show this weekend, and got to meet tons of lovely new people, and had too much to drink, which is probably why I met tons of lovely new people. Ah well!
What's new with you?
PS - listen to this, you'll love it.
Well, I lost my job. As I was in insurance sales, this is rather a good thing. I make lots of jewelry and websites now. Definitely a good thing. My feet are cold = baaaaad. I'm learning to play the violin - FUN! I had a jewelry show this weekend, and got to meet tons of lovely new people, and had too much to drink, which is probably why I met tons of lovely new people. Ah well!
What's new with you?
PS - listen to this, you'll love it.
Thank you that is mucho appreciated!

As Homer says, the answer to and cause of all of life's problems.