The end of 'Smokin' Aces' is a great scene- The total emotional roundup for the whole movie pushed into a little bleary eyed box. As Ron Burgandy would say "I'm in a glass case of emotion!"

So many ways to not do what is necessary, A person could spend their whole life skirting a task. How many people since time began have been nothing more...
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I need not to be in this loop anymore. I spit on this girls food tonight. It was wrapped in a napkin after being covered with tin foil. I hope they dashed it away as sullied. All I have lately is venom. Pure disdain for all these stupid little girls. Congratulations you are 21 but you can't function as an adult yet. I don't play...
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Ok, new hobby = rope bondage! My friend needs to come back to town because I need someone to practice on! I know she will totally let me tie her up! *sigh* too bad amazon.com (those bastards) isn't doing direct bank withdrawl anymore, I need books!

Tonight is going to be a late night of binding my feet together and searching the web for techniques! love
Pretty much I'm an asshole because I no longer sugar coat the words that come out of my mouth. I wrote a great email tonight, how is this for love letters:
subject: just a final goodbye

I would say I wish you the best but I don't like you. I tried so hard and when you were out of sight all you gave me...
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Being an adept means I should know better and truthfully I do. I know that I am wasting my life and poisoning my body. being an adept means I have the tools to radically change. The unknown is fear. To predict change is impossible except for in the most general sense. fuck it, I give wings to my desires tonight.

Great is the might of...
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killing your own internet personatlity-

when you click deactivate to a internet venu that features facts, pictures, and or quations you find prlavent to your life. Not having spent less than two hours a day continuessly checking and posting and or waiting for either.

Some spaces need to be personal. Eye to eye. The sun riises and yet I'm in two worlds, the world my...
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addiction! woe! woe is I! That thusly have I profaned myself upon preposterous pixelated pages! woe and terror and mirth. Jolly jolly mirth. For it is mirth that I give in to, the cracking smile with its boisterous grinning pearls. Woe to them in darkened corners without jolly and a pint to not expand the vast greatness but to shrink it down to pitiful dark...
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Knowledge, wisdom, understanding

Look, listen, observe

If action isn't getting the results of desire, than what results will come of inaction without desire
I suck at being alone, nothing is fun. I need to be social! All my plans have currently fallen apart so now I'm stuck in this town with time off work. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! mad