fucking cold weather. All I want is someone to be naked with, is that so hard a thing to ask for universe? Someone I'm compatable with, similar interests. Shit gotta go, time to stop being mopey- I lured the dog in to the house. time to catch that bitch

ps fuck cold weather

*edit my roomates dog is fucking stupid. The old "lure it in...
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drinking alone, cheers to being born alone and dying alone. kiss
I'm laying here naked in bed, drunk to all intensive purposes minus one. Thinking about my most recent ex and what I miss about her. Revelation. The only images in my might that come to surface are: how tight her pussy was, how wet she was, kissing, and how she was absoutly amazing to fall asleep wrapped around. But thats it, I mean on personality...
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fucking horoscopes and their accuracy

like i didn't know and was already feeling it and you just have to blatently put it in my face

I think there is glass from a car crash I walked by tonight stuck in my boot +10 metal points for me
bubbles? blackeyed
If I ever get to choose alignment for a video game character I choose either Chaotic or Evil. My personal alignment would be evil. I just like dark deitys and the ability to lavish a bit. I suppose of course this all can spin a million ways with how a person defines "Good" or "Evil" or "Chaos" even.

madonna - holiday

I feel that yesterday should be immortalized in the form of blog, in the least for my own personal reference to just how fucking fun it was. I had to work in the morning but ended up getting a ride and free breakfast. Since school hasn't started for me again (I'm on my two day summer!!) I didn't have any obligations to...
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Kings of Leon - Pistol of Fire

What is up with people not wanting to have fun? I live to try new experiences (death of course being one of those we will save for last) but honestly, how many fucking squares does it take to fill a box of three dimensions? We are holding a case race- teams of two versus all others. Catch is...
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"We ought to remember not only that our life is daily wasting away and a smaller part of it is left, but also that if a man should live longer, it is quite uncertain whether his mind will stay strong enough to understand things, and retain the power of contemplation to strive after knowledge of the divine and the human. For if he begins to...
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I just want to inflict harm upon someone. I don't know weather it is the desire to do or the deed initself that botheres me more when I want to run a blade over my skin.. It takes what- Five pounds of pressure to break human skin.

And for this, I will bleed